A Prayer Before Dawn
A Prayer Before Dawn
R | 10 August 2018 (USA)
A Prayer Before Dawn Trailers

The amazing true story of Billy Moore, an English boxer incarcerated in Thailand’s most notorious prison. Thrown into a world of drugs and violence, he finds his best chance to escape is to fight his way out in prison Muay Thai tournaments.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Steineded How sad is this?
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Claudio Carvalho Films about prisons and martial arts are usually attractive. "A Prayer Before Dawn" is a combination of the two genres and the most important: based on the true story of the English boxer William "Billy" Moore brilliantly performed by Joe Cole. The story of the addicted in heroin boxer that is arrested in Thailand and sent to a notorious prison, learning Muay Thay and winning an important tournament that changed his life gives the sensation of a documentary shot in a prison in Thailand. The plot and scenes are realistic and brutal, totally different from most of the Hollywood productions of the genre. It is not in the same level of the masterpiece "Midnight Express", but expresses the sensation of a Caucasian in a foreigner prison. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): Not Available
tlarraya A sports movie and a true story so I was hoping to really like this movie but I didn´t enjoy it.
Nima Nimo Khalighi Let me tell you, this was not an easy watch. I was on the edge of my seat the entire span of the movie. I mean you really experience a taste of prison watching this movie. Astonishing in all aspects, yet very uncomfortable, and at points even scary.The characters were all extremely believable. The scenes all very real as well. Like some others mentioned, not a lot of dialogue, and it really pulls you in. The cinematography and the soundtrack elevate the characters and the scenes even more, becoming immersed to the experiences of Billy Moore. I don't recall a single moment where I turned my head, even though I did want to at some occasions. Some moments you didn't know what to expect. This intense movie immerses you from the beginning to the end. As someone who's struggled in life like many of you out there, you feel that connection to Billy Moore. His struggles and emotions were really felt during the movie. Oh and one more thing, don't watch this with your young kids.
lukeshulver I'm rarely speechless, but wow! Powerful raw emotion - anger, disgust, hope, despair. A rollercoaster ride that has you begging for it to end while hoping it doesn't. Beautifully shot, absolutely amazing footage and realism. 10 stars no questions. Amazing.