Death Clique
Death Clique
| 12 April 2014 (USA)
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Inspired by true events, a friendship rivalry between three high school girls escalates into a shocking act of violence, and soon one of them is dead. Now the dead girl's mom is determined to find her missing child... and get justice for her daughter.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
adriianna-40299 I'm a sucker for a good lifetime movie, and this is one! Took twists I wasn't expecting and was excited all the way through. If you more looking for a good lifetime movie, look no further!
lukegunswell As most of you probably know, this movie is based on the real life murder of Neese by her " best friends" . As such, it's no surprise he hat the main character lama ends up dying. Now a lot of people this movie is disrespectful towards the tragedy by adding details to the characters and changing events . It's only natural a few changes would have been made in order to make an effective movie.What I liked most about death clique was how amazing of a villain Ashley was. She's cruel heartless and manipulative. She doesn't have some kind of tragic backstory in a failed attempt to make her sympathetic like some other LMN movie villains. She's everything I look for in a villain and her actress did a phenomenal job.For fans of LMN movies or thrillers in general, please watch this movie. The character interactions are really solid which makes the drama all the more better.
wes-connors In the opening minutes a woman stumbles, apparently drunk, and tongue-teases the final droplets from a tilted bottle of cheap wine. She knocks over a lamp and falls down. Another woman appears, and reveals herself as a bratty daughter. She won't help her mother get off the floor. Later, we learn the very beautiful young blonde is Tina Ivlev (as Ashley Tralman) and her alcoholic single mother is Michelle Clunie (as Tina). As the credits roll, we switch to a campus setting in the Los Angeles area. High school seniors Brittany Underwood (as Jade Thompson) and Lexi Ainsworth (as Sara Cowan) are best friends forever (BFF). Into their Spanish language classroom struts Ms. Ivlev. She is attracted to Ms. Underwood and quickly maneuvers herself into the BFF twosome. Very quickly, the three have formed the "Death Clique" of the title and we wait to see who is going to die, if anyone...This story, written by Barbara Kymlicka and directed by Doug Campbell is supposedly "Inspired by true events." Hopefully, anyone connected to the actual individuals who "inspired" this TV movie have received apologies. The crime does not ring true...Of the main cast, Ms. Ainsworth does the best; helped by her smaller stature and youthful looks, she is able to appear convincing. Ivlev resembles a young Michelle Phillips with Faye Dunaway's attitude; she needs a star-making role. Underwood does her best with the part. Dependable mom Barbara Alyn Woods (as Lana) is routine but effective. Of the minor cast, Connors' Clayton and Weil are well-cast. The scene where Mr. Weil tries to undo Ainsworth's jeans is most memorable. Weil wiping her kiss off his mouth to end the scene was a nice touch. Director Campbell also helps the young women send subtle Lesbian signals; other than one bed scene, it's too shy for the millennium. And, there is no getting over the inadequacies herein. When police detectives walk into a classroom to make arrests, instead of having an administrator call suspects discreetly, you just have to laugh at the absurdity of it all.*** Death Clique (4/12/2014) Doug Campbell ~ Tina Ivlev, Brittany Underwood, Lexi Ainsworth, Barbara Alyn Woods
JamieWJackson There was some good acting here, and the movie moved along fine. In the end, though, I was left disappointed that the movie was too "based on a true story" to be good fiction, but too fictionalized to be a good docudrama. It kinda slipped into the crack in between.Tina Ivlev is absurdly sexy, but her character here is so obviously psycho that it's hard to even try to warm up to her. Right from the start she's disturbingly flippant and manipulative. There's never a moment of horrifying realization for the audience, here; the outcome seems telegraphed from the very early going. With no mystery, it seems that the only thing we're watching to see is everybody's reactions to what we know is going to happen.Despite those and other flaws, the movie-making quality level is decent here, for the most part. It's really just the script that needed some work, I think. I give this 5/10 for being watchable but forgettable.What I did take away from this is that I will eagerly look forward to more from both Tina and Brittany, two lovely and talented young actresses. (If they make a movie about Helen Hunt's life, I vote Tina to play her. Eerie resemblance, IMO.)
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