R | 07 July 2015 (USA)
Awaken Trailers

A random group of people wake up on an Island where they are being hunted down in a sinister plot to harvest their organs.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Comeuppance Reviews A woman named Billie Kope (Burn) wakes up on a tropical island and has no memory of how she got there. She eventually meets other people held captive in this mysterious place, including Quentin (Davi), Berto (Furlong), and Stitch (Crawford), among others. While Billie relies on her combat training - by her father, played by Benny The Jet - to stay alive, she does remember she's searching for her missing sister. Unfortunately, the island dwellers are at the mercy of Rich (London), and his goons such as Sarge (Jones) and Xander (Pare) - who are holding them there so they can harvest their organs. When an important client, a woman inexplicably named Mao (Hannah), shows up with her ailing daughter, Rich tells the island doctor, Walsh (Keith) to snap into action. However, by this time Billie and her compatriots are fighting mad and are intending to get off the island by using lethal force against their captors. Much like Gilligan's Island and/or The Prisoner, will our heroes get off the island? Awaken is sort of a modern-day DTV cross between Avenging Force (1986), The Condemned (2007), and Death Ring (1992). We're glad movies like this are still being made, but it seems the only place for them to go are cable channels (some might describe them as "deep cable" channels) such as Showtime Extreme. The solid B-Movie cast goes a long way towards sustaining its entertainment value, and main star Natalie Burn certainly has the potential to go far, in our opinion. Not only did she star in the movie, she has co-story, co-producer, and stunt credits, and even is solely credited with casting. So I guess we have her to thank for getting all these familiar faces together. She even sings the end titles song, "Awaken", and is/was a ballerina, just like Assassins Run's Sofya Skya. Is this becoming the new trend in DTV action? Hopefully Skya and Burn will be co-stars in a movie together soon. They could be ex-ballerinas/cops who bust a lot of heads and fight their way up a drug ring to the evil mastermind. If anyone reading this produces these types of movies, give us a call.  There are also some similarities to Gina Carano's In the Blood (2014) - and even the recent Van Damme movie Pound of Flesh (2015). Maybe it's not just ballerinas turned action stars that are the new trend, evidently organ donation is hot now too. Thankfully, Awaken combines the two. While the movie as a whole looks good, and you can see Burn's fights well, there are some poor editing choices which mar the overall pretty cinematography. These are especially evident when someone gets tasered, the scene with the shark attack, and the Michael Pare-Vinnie Jones fight. Sadly, not only was the latter edited badly, but it should have gone on longer and been more built up in the movie. That's the match-up we've been waiting for, and it's over in a flash.Fan favorite Robert Davi wears a John Travolta/Nicholas Cage-style wig, Daz Crawford is likable, and Vinnie Jones is his usual head-butting self that we all love and enjoy. Pare isn't in it all that much, nor is Edward Furlong, who...let's just say it's a good thing that people stranded on the island are supposed to look disheveled and tired. Daryl Hannah, fresh off of Death Squad (2014) adds...something, but we're not sure what. It looks like she's finally joined the ranks of us lowly DTV dwellers. But I blame Hollywood for that. Because Hollywood sucks and seemingly only releases remakes, sequels, and superhero movies, there's no place for actresses like Hannah there anymore. And if Hannah's not going to the theater any longer, Furlong et al. certainly aren't either. But they'll always have a home in DTV - surely they can give Natalie Burn a call anytime.It all ends with a very, very silly shootout, just as the audience's patience is wearing thin. Awaken is by no means a bad movie, but it ultimately fails to capitalize on all the assets it had at its disposal. We're hoping Burn goes up to the next level for her next outing.
Tss5078 For a small, independent, real-life horror film, Awaken has a lot of pieces to it's story, there really is a lot going on, in what initially seemed like a cut and dry story. If this film had been done a bit differently, and if it's impressive cast had been used for more than simple cameos, this may have been a much better film. The story begins with Billie (Natalie Burn) waking up on an island, being chased by strangers, and rescued by another group of strangers. She comes to learn that everyone in her group of rescuers woke up as she did, and appear to be hunted for sport. Billie wants to escape to one of the nearby cluster of islands, but learns that attempts have been made, and no one has ever come back, but Billie is a military brat and refuses to accept that. The story here is very well written, especially for this type of film, but everything is so anti-climatic. Just about every scene turns into a fight scene or a shoot out and there is nothing original about that. Honestly, what is the point of having this great story idea if ever scene is going to end up the same way? There is also the fact that the casting is a complete mystery. This film managed to get Darryl Hannah, Edward Furlong, David Keith, and Robert Davi and they simply make cameo appearances in ancillary roles? If that's the case, why even waste the money to bring them in? Awaken had the story, it had the cast, it had the looks, it even had a premium location, but poor dialogue, predictable outcomes, a misused cast, and a painfully horrendous ending absolutely destroyed what could have otherwise been a rather entertaining film.
karjens Personally I liked the movie. It was an interesting plot, one that has been done before but not enough to make it tired. Unlike others, I thought it was well acted. Natalie Burn is excellent in the very rare roll of a woman who kicks @ss. I think she has the potential to do a lot more action roles, if more people would write lead action roles for women that is.It did drag in spots and the music really didn't help with that but I find that to be true with a pretty much any movie or show set in a forest. All in all, I found it to be an entertaining movie for a lazy day.
blackwell4 I can't believe that inattention to common sense detail. Really awful direction. Very poorly crafted fight scenes. Awful tactics. Fingers inside trigger guards. Movements around corners like sleep walkers. Stupid stupid action. Could this movie really make money?How could people stranded on an island have such good hair? How was it possible that a guy on the island head was perfectly shaved every day for weeks? What is up with those pants on the protagonist ? Are we supposed to believe the pants just got ripped that way? And why was she wearing dog tags? She was never in the military? HIRE ME!I would provide the REAL LIFE direction to make this thing believable.Dear sweet Jesus, please please please, no one ever hire this director or writer again!