My Super Psycho Sweet 16
My Super Psycho Sweet 16
NR | 15 October 2009 (USA)
My Super Psycho Sweet 16 Trailers

A spoiled teen’s birthday bash turns killer after she convinced her parents to re-open a roller skating rink where a series of brutal murders took place and the killer comes back to wreak havoc during her party.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Jimmy Collins Trashy horror films, trashy teen films and TV movies are all guilty pleasures of mine, and this is all three rolled into one. My Super Psycho Sweet 16 is probably the greatest title, this film is good because it knows what it is and plays on it, it's not trying to be serious and I say full props to the filmmakers for just doing something fun that doesn't need to be taken seriously.I have a severe phobia of teenagers so seeing these gross humans being knocked off one by one is quite enjoyable, I did however really like the main character Skye, her story is actually very cool, her father was a nut job who killed a bunch of kids and the place where he killed them is the setting for the sweet 16 birthday, is he the killer? Is it Skye's new love interest, you'll be guessing the entire movie.Obviously the entire cast are teenagers of only just out of their teens so the acting is what you would expect, but it all just adds ti the campiness if the whole thing. The only person who I recognize is Chris Zylka from the recent Ka-Boom, his cliché good looks are what is griping his career I'm sure.The only bad thing I would say about this movie is that the killing starts too Kate in the film, it could have begun a bit sooner, if this were a serious film it would really work against it but it doesn't, it's only a minor thing.A cool slasher film that is like Halloween meets I Know What You Did Last Summer. Lots of fun. :)
Paige This movie was an excellent example of a good slasher film today. Everything in the movie (situations, people) were all believable. In my opinion, there was no unexplained events that took place that made the movie seem "unrealistic" which is something I hate about a lot of horror movies. The movie was well written and directed, and the actors were great. I loved how even though the "mean" girls were bullying Skye, when some of them you felt kind of bad for when they died. That's an example of great character writing from the writer. The ending of the first movie was insanely good, makes you see the protagonist,Skye, in a whole new way! The movie "My super psycho sweet 16" and "My super psycho sweet 16 part 2" flowed together phenomenally. The writers, producers, and directors did an amazing job with the first and sequel blending together realistically.Overall, My super psycho sweet 16 was awesome and I recommend it!
Scarecrow-88 Julianna Guill is a spoiled teenager, Madison, self absorbed(me, me, me) and materialistic, who is planning one of those Sweet 16 birthday bashes, the kind where everyone will be there and an exorbitant amount of cash will be wasted so that daddy's lil girl can have her dream party. Lauren McKnight is Skye, the mistreated teenage girl who doesn't have the finest things like her peers. What boils Madison's kettle is that her ex-boyfriend, Brigg(Chris Zylka), is interested in Skye. Skye being the exact opposite of Madison doesn't go over well with all the rich kids, but Brigg seriously has feelings for her despite what others might think. So those who are mean to Madison suffer the consequences for their actions when a psycho in a cloak and mask starts hunting them down one by one mostly in the backstage of the party. Guill imbues her bitch with perfect clarity, those who aren't in her position will more than probably loathe her throughout and desire for her end to be particularly gruesome. MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16 is in the same league as the recent PROM NIGHT remake. It has solid production values. The cast is pretty. The violence is tame. The sound effects and some blood spray tell us what we know about how gruesome the death sequences are. The deaths themselves are somewhat brutal even if off screen such as the use of a fire extinguisher to bash a face in and the beheading of a girl as she attempts to skate to safety, interrupting Madison's cake presentation. There's also a nightmare sequence where a hospital patient is stabbed multiple times in the chest. But, to be honest, MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16 is simply no different than others of it's ilk. The killer is standard issue. The plot, funny as it may be for those who positively hate these kinds of Park Avenue girls, quietly fantasizing about their demises in the cruelest ways possible, follows the basic slasher guidelines. As I mentioned above, MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16 belongs in a double feature with the remake of PROM NIGHT. Madison is so repellent due to her personality that, even when Skye tries to free her so that she could be saved from the psychopath, this girl still insults and ridicules her rival. Matt Angel is Skye's nerdy pal, Derek, also a victim of bullying. Joey Nappo is your typical jock cretin who enjoys picking on Derek.
IrishClover5487 I was pleasantly surprised by this film. MTV occasionally pulls through and makes a really enjoyable movie. Not too much gore, but just enough to make a good slasher flick. The main character is really personable and is a pretty decent little actress. As most of us do, I really hate that god awful "My Super Sweet 16" show and this movie does a great job making fun of that while still keeping on track with it's original slasher movie idea. The biggest issue I had with this movie was that when it ended I wanted more. I felt like it should have been longer with perhaps more killing, but I'm a little morbid. All in all it's definitely worth seeing and the premise is great. Happy viewing!!!