The Zodiac
The Zodiac
R | 17 March 2006 (USA)
The Zodiac Trailers

An elusive serial killer known as the Zodiac terrorizes the San Francisco Bay in the late 1960s, while detectives aim to stop him before he claims more victims. Based on a true story.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Spikeopath The Zodiac is directed by Alexander Bulkley who also co-writes the screenplay with his brother Kelley Bulkley. It stars Justin Chambers, Robin Tunney, Rory Culkin, Philip Baker Hall, Brad Henke, Marty Lindsey, Rex Linn and William Mapother. Music is by Michael Suby and cinematography by Denis Maloney. Story is based on the true events involving a serial killer known as The Zodiac who terrorised the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s. He was never captured. There's a lot of scorn poured on Bulkley's movie, which on the surface is understandable given that it's neither an in-depth examination of the actual case or a terrifying serial killer thriller. It's cause isn't helped, either, by David Fincher's meticulous version that followed in 2007. Yet there's value in The Zodiac, even if it's difficult to recommend with confidence. The Bulkley's choose to focus primarily on one policeman and his family and how they are deeply affected by The Zodiac case. This involves Detective Matt Parish (Chambers) coming under increasing pressure at work, where his superiors are demanding a result, and at home, where his wife Laura (Tunney) grows frantic/frustrated by the day and his young son Johnny (Culkin) becomes unhealthily fascinated by the case. The director paints a very good period backdrop whilst deftly filling the narrative with a sense of paranoia that surely enveloped the Bay Area as The Zodiac enacted his crimes. The killer's face is rightly never seen, though we get POV shots from the killer and glimpses from afar or from behind him. While interestingly there's a link between The Zodiac and young Johnny as each go about their respective ways. The colour schemes used at various points of the story are well thought out, providing the film with a documentary feel for the exteriors and a saturated neo-noir universe for interiors. There's a spareness to the production that really aids the subject matter. Cast performances are fine, with Tunney really getting to grips with her character, and Suby's score rumbles along ominously. Not to be sought out by blood hounds or Zodiac historians, this is still a better than average picture that holds some interest as it rises above its modest budget limitations. 6/10
TheUnknown837-1 The Zodiac Killer was one of the most famous serial killers in history, being one of the few to murder so many and get away. The Zodiac Killer, to this very day, has yet to be caught. Chances are, he never will be. And it's of no surprise that sooner or later, a movie would be made about him. In the 70s, the villain of a Clint Eastwood movie "Dirty Harry" featured a murderer based off the Zodiac Killer, but this is a film that is based around the Zodiac himself and the terror he created in San Francisco."The Zodiac" is a film with great potential for zest and entertainment, but it unfortunately does not reach those points to the expected level. Really, the very beginning of the film was executed and shot perfectly and yes the film had some other moments throughout. But overall, it's a very bland and uninteresting film. The filmmakers played wisely by not showing the Zodiac Killer's face on screen, we never see him clearly. We can hear his voice many times, which is a cold, blood-chilling tone. They chose the right actor for that job. However, the other actors, while not bad at their job, had to suffer from playing boring characters. Characters that made no sense and in scenes that oftentimes made no sense. Some scenes seemed very pointless, such as the prelude to an obvious sex scene that never unfolds and is overall uninteresting, no matter what you were looking for.It was a film that I had higher expectations for. I have heard recently about another movie based on the Zodiac Killer, released in 2007. I have yet to see this one, but hear it is highly acclaimed and a masterpiece. I aim to see it as soon as I can, but this version of the story was overall, iffy. Acceptable, but not special.
lastliberal At the end of the movie, the killer was wondering who would play him in a movie. I think he is still waiting as this was probably the most boring show I have ever seen about a serial killer.When the script is already written for you, you would think you have time to focus on some other parts of the movie to make it interesting. Not here folks. There was nothing interesting about this movie. I thought there was one part where it was going to get interesting, but I was mistaken.I don't watch "Grey's Anatomy," so I have no idea who Justin Chambers is, but he showed me nothing here. He spent the entire time drinking and yelling. I don't watch "Prison Break," so I know know Robin Tunney either. She spent all her time at the kitchen table whining.There is no one else here that I recognized either. I don't know why I watched this, but I recommend you let me suffer for you and avoid it at all costs.
siderite It's hard to make a movie about a real event. Everyone knows the outcome. In this case, we all know that the Zodiac was never caught, so all we have to look for is the interaction between players and the general feeling of the movie.But here the movie fails. The lead (Karev from Grey's Anatomy) is playing well, but doesn't really have much role to play. Just a work alcoholic cop trying to catch a guy that leaves no useful evidence. His wife, predictably, doesn't like being left on second place and tries to leave him. His work suffers. The cop's kid shows promise as he is both curious and intelligent. Alas, his mother discovers this and with a terrible "Oh my god" ends this plot line.All in all, a rather accurate yet boring description of the insides of a police case from the point of view of the cop. And no, you don't get to see the Zodiac :-P