And While We Were Here
And While We Were Here
R | 21 April 2012 (USA)
And While We Were Here Trailers

Trapped in a loveless marriage, a troubled writer experiences a sexual awakening when she meets a carefee American in Italy.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
ivona-lol555-716-1507 I expected something else from the trailer, true.But I still love this movie. It's so brutally honest. So simple. It's a movie about life and love. The kind ones that actually happen, not some Hollywood bullshit. How lines between people are messy and you can't see where they start and where they end. How some people have a huge influence on us. It's a movie about a woman finding herself. It's raw, but it's real. You have to find beauty in simplicity to really appreciate it. Some people are here just to show us that there is more of this world than what we have. Everything we thought we knew so well and sure about, now we doubt. The things you never thought you needed a second thought, yet you will. Nothing, ever, is sure. We do not see the lines between us, other people and things and that's why it's so hard to break from society and do something else. To have strength to leave something that meant so much to us, to have the strength to admmit that it doesn't no more.I enjoyed it very much.
berilsepici First of all there are two major things I liked about this movie very much. First is the way some scenes were shot and the gorgeous places. Second, is the remarkable and wise granny advises, I have already loved the phrase:'You know the truth when you find it. It'll come to you like something you've known before rather than something you're learning for the first time.'But the down sides are just too many to underestimate. First of all the end of a film, in my opinion, must me surprising, or at least a little more deeper than that. It all happens so quick and even unbelievable. I have to admit that I thought this film is like Adore but it failed my expectations.Overall I'm disappointed but you may like it, go have a try.
Super Ultra I was tempted to give this a 10, because it does what it does very well, and ... I loved it. I'm giving it a 9, mainly because it's not just about me, and (judging from the other reviews it's gotten) it takes a certain kind of person--and definitely a certain mood--to appreciate what this movie has to offer. On a different night, I wouldn't have had the patience to sit through it, and that's partly because I can't slow myself down often enough, but it's also partly because the movie doesn't do quite as much as it could to draw the viewer in. You need to be in a relaxed, introspective state of mind, I think, but if/when you are, you might find this as rewarding as I did.I don't want to say a whole lot about the plot, the characters, or the issues that they try to deal with. Part of what I like most about this movie is the way it reveals these things, so I think it's best to not know many details going in. But I will say that there seem to be some important lessons about life and relationships that could be taken away from this, and the messages come across in a natural, unforced way. This is pretty rare. Reviewers have pointed out that Bosworth does a fine job here, and I completely agree, but the rest of the cast also deserves plenty of praise. Most of what's going on in this movie is pretty subtle, and lesser actors/actresses would have tried to overdo things--and a lesser director would've let them. Even minor missteps in acting or directing can be quite a turn-off for me, but I don't recall any such thing in this case. The locations and camera work didn't hurt either. I was immersed from start to finish.I also loved the dialogue. Here, too, what I appreciated was that it wasn't overdone, nor was it too subtle. The people on screen talked pretty much like you'd expect them to. (I never found myself thinking, "That character would never put things that way.") Nothing seemed artificial. So, I guess I could sum things up by saying this is a patient, enjoyable, and flawlessly executed study of certain issues many of us are going to run up against at some point in our lives. I honestly think that many reviewers just don't get it.
shreeree I'm sorry if you're going to film a film with such a sensual Blurb, the least you can do is throw some sensuality into it. I mean if you want to know how to do this right, go and watchUNTIL September was done in 1984. This was a beautifully shot movie that remains in my memory after all these years. In UNTIL September there was a sensuality that made you want to hop on a plane to Paris and have your own "affair to remember". These lovers allow you to crawl into their skin and experience every beautiful and painful moment of the time they had together. It was film that brought out the voyeur in me. Some scenes so painfully raw you felt you should look away from it.This film has shaky cinematography, her cheating on her husband didn't feel like cheating because we weren't allowed to sense they had anything to lose in their relationship. "It's like telling reading a book and it just says, "They are married." Yet there is no show of a loving nurturing marriage. Maybe that is the point so it gives the wife the okay to cheat with this younger man who gave off a "Con artist" vibe even if he was sincere in his attraction to her.The elderly woman she was listening to on tapes' story sounded more interesting then this Bosworth character's story.If you're looking for a movie that you can enjoy the country view while making your own whoopee without worry that he or she rather watch the movie than be kissing you, this is the film you're looking for.