The Local
The Local
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
The Local Trailers

A wealthy out-of-towner hires an indigent man to abduct an estranged family member.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
sikkwolf Okay look, this movie flat out sucks. The "action scenes" are only brutal if you're a child who's never been in a fight, or seen a decent movie. "Collateral" had short, relatively brutal and engaging fight scenes, "Snatch" had a brutal efficiency to the violence in it. This movie has BUTCHERED "flutter sequences", where there is no fluid attachment to the motion, and what you're really supposed to believe, is that a bunch of fat guys in cameo who are coked up are bad asses. Or that the main character is from a video game, where he receives a horrendous beating, charges his super meter, and suddenly "finish him!" rings out and bam, opponent dead from a nonsensical and badly edited series of moves, I mean seriously, these action sequences wouldn't make sense to Michael Bay. If you want a gritty and violent affair, that's fun to watch as well as professionally filmed and acted, check out "Harsh Times", please don't watch this pile of dung.
chefdan711 Script is boring, characters undeveloped, plot unimaginative, anticlimactic, horrible camera affects, and just all-around waste of time...unless it was someones homework assignment...then I'd give em a D+...But since this was actually written, directed, and produced into this mess and then put out into the world for others to view...then I must say that Dan Eberle,you are an epic failure! Steer clear of this film that should have been put out in the garbage...There is some brief full-frontal female nudity, but not long enough, nor satisfying enough, to warrant any amount of the time spent suffering through this junk.
logomito Wow, one comment on such a movie, hard to believe it, because it's great. First, it takes a lot of guts to release a movie so atypical compared to the "hollywood stuff" were watching normally. No stunts, no great looking actors, no digital tricks, no commercial music, no brilliant colors, not even a pleasant hero.Nevertheless this film offers something, that most of the 1a productions lack off: Credibility! Dan Eberle plays a loser, who is selling his soul for thirty bucks a day to work as a courier for drug dealers. If that would nor be bad enough, every time he jobs something goes wrong and he ends up beaten up, without money and with even more problems than he had the day before. Nobody is respecting him or taking him for serious. The only thing he seems to be able to manage in his life is his addiction to drugs, he is clean.So what's so interesting about this film? Well, the fact that it could be a real story, something that really happens every day in every part of the world. The dirty truth, ugly, bloody, revolting and pitiful... But very interesting, like when two people have a fight in front of you... you can't stop watching, you just stare at it motionless although you don't support it. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie, it's original, brutal and somehow very fascinating. I will keep my copy and watch it again, what not happens to often.
gavin6942 A drug dealer who happens to be clean himself (Dan Eberle) roams around town on a variety of missions, finding himself getting into fights at every turn. One of his chief missions? Rescuing a heroin-addicted daughter for a concerned father... whose motives are unclear.Let me lay this on the line: Dan Eberle is the man of the future for crime dramas. He has written and directed a film in the style of Guy Ritchie's "Snatch" and "Two Smoking Barrels" -- also producing and starring in it. When this disc arrived in my mail, I was unsure about it. I receive many low budget piles of rubbish. This one is by far the most professional independent film I've ever had the pleasure to review.What really adds to "The Local" is the clear plot of a single protagonist, somewhat of an anti-hero. Ritchie's films are beautiful, and carry a lot of star power, but Eberle cuts through the tangled intertwining plots to deliver one distinct narrative. Yes, there are still multiple characters with multiple motives, which really adds to the story... but we never have to keep track of five different plots to make sure we understand where they lead.You like drug dealer films? Mafia films? Gun fights? Fist fights? This has it all, in the grimy streets to rundown apartment complexes. Beautiful cinematography and a respectable score. There's no reason "The Local" couldn't have been released in theaters across the country. Believe me, I've seen a lot worse in the cinema. Do yourself a favor and get a copy of this film if you are into this sort of genre... "The Local" could be a cult favorite someday soon.