My Life in Ruins
My Life in Ruins
PG-13 | 05 June 2009 (USA)
My Life in Ruins Trailers

A Greek tour guide named Georgia attempts to recapture her kefi (Greek for mojo) by guiding a ragtag group of tourists around Greece and showing them the beauty of her native land. Along the way, she manages to open their eyes to the wonders of an exotic foreign land while beginning to see the world through a new set of eyes in the process.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
MyBlueCastle If you are looking for a "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" sequel, this isn't it. It is a totally different premise. Even though it's not fair to compare it to "MBFGW" because it is so different, I actually like this movie more. Love the humor of this movie. I have watched it several times for "girls night". The romance storyline is sweet and the Greek history aspect is educational in a fun way. Also a good choice if you like to travel. I've never been a huge fan of Richard Dreyfuss, until this movie. He's sweet and lovable in such a way that now I enjoy him more in other movies too. I also enjoy all the sub characters a lot. The stereotypes of the various countries are amusing. Watching everyone develop and change adds to the overall tone of the movie. A little predictable, but still enjoyable. A group of mismatched folks from around the world coming together and becoming friends and pulling together never gets old, in my book.
Miss Naughtia The only reason I wanted to watch this movie was because of lovely Nia Vardalos. I was crazy about 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding', so I was hoping that this romantic comedy would be of the same caliber but sadly it wasn't.The story was very sweet and catchy but most of the scenes seemed very cheesy. I couldn't help wondering why many of the tourists were portrayed as complete nincompoops. I know there are a lot of idiot tourists out there but this was a bit too much.Anyway, the story is about this Greek/American tour guide who leads a bunch of tourists on a Greek sightseeing. The tourists are bored with the sightseeing & history and will rather buy t-shirts and eat ice cream.This movie had the potential to be a whole lot better.
whatever-tanveer This is a good movie to pass some good time. Not like other comedy movie with few laugh and boring the rest. Yes this is not a great movie. But I must admit the movie was much better than I expected.The story was about a tour guide in Greece who doesn't have a great reputation of her work.She always gets the average box checked as there are no lesser grade. In the movie she learns about others life as well as her own. The thing I like about the movie is that they didn't try to do much and what they wanted to do did in a good way. My advice would be not to expect too much and just relax and enjoy.If you like a family movie with some laughs you would probably enjoy it too.
Jay Raskin New rule: every time a producer puts out another gross-out, teenager comedy, they have to give Nia Vardalos $20 million to produce a real romantic comedy involving grown-ups. Since the 1970's when Hollywood realized that rather unintelligent 13-18 year-old were their largest market, the number of adult oriented romantic comedies have dropped until it is an endangered species.Like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and "Connie and Carla," this is another delightful and brilliant adult romantic comedy made by adults for adults. Which is not to say that everybody from children to senior citizens will not find it enchanting and delightful, they will.Nia's comedy timing is brilliant. She generally underplays her lines and doesn't push for laughs, but lets the lines do their job. She reminds me of the best and most stylish comedic actresses of the 1930's: Carol Lombard, Myrna Loy, Irene Dunne, and Rosalind Russell.Besides Nia, the film gives us the great beauty of the country of Greece. I have visited the country seven times. No feature film really captures its beautiful delights better than this one. for the 98% of the people who have never visited it, this movie comes as close to a tour of it as they can have without going.I'm can't imagine anybody not loving this film, at least not anybody with a sense of humor, and an eye for beauty and a brain that appreciates a good, well-structured plot and witty dialogue.