NR | 23 March 2006 (USA)
Puzzlehead Trailers

In a post apocalyptic world where technology is outlawed, Walter, a reclusive scientist, secretly creates a self-aware android, "Puzzlehead". Jealously erupts when Puzzlehead wins the affection of Julia, the beautiful shopgirl that Walter has longed for. The resulting sci-fi love triangle is a Frankensteinian fable that traps all three in a web of deception and the ultimate betrayal.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
bcp-3 This movie sounds promising but just plain doesn't deliver.A potentially interesting plot is completely ruined by: Terrible acting.Poorly mixed sound. I had to crank my receiver way up to hear what these poor excuses for actors and actresses were blathering on about.Beyond low budget filming and effects, what effects?A kid with a camcorder could have done better.This would have made for an excellent episode of MST3K.Hopefully I can save someone from wasting an hour and a half of their lives by steering them clear of this failure.
Viscount Biscuit This movie is one of the most original films I've seen in years. If you like thought provoking films you'll love it, if you are more into action and exploding cars you probably won't be so keen. My only reservation about it is the setting which is only mentioned once and it's tantalisingly left at that. That's fine by me because you can see more or less what's happened but it still would have been nice if the background was a little more consistent. I wanted to see more of it especially as it was so hauntingly shot.I was interested by a comment someone else posted - "I don't understand how tripe like this can still be churned out in the 21st century with over 100 years of film history behind us.."It's almost like they are saying movies started off terrible and amateurish and have somehow gone on an evolutionary journey to being better. I don't see that with Hollywood at all, it seems to me as though intelligent movies like this one are a rarity whereas in the past plot was something writers worked at because flashy effects and exploding cars were harder to come by."NO movie studio should back things like this." The person adds. Sadly, most studios won't so you have almost got your wish there. It's a shame though because films with an actual story to tell like this one will stay with you a lot longer than that exploding car scene. Each to his own though, I think this is a work of genius but I know a lot of people will disagree simply because it is slow and thoughtful. I personally found the implications quite scary, more so than a CGI monster popping out and a blaring noise to inform the viewer when to jump which is what passes for horror these days.
stocky102000 Somehow I managed to sit through this film till the end and in doing so feel I deserve an award for pain endurance.The film is highly predictable, extremely poorly acted (days of our lives bad)and slower than a stoned tortoise.I rarely take the time to comment but if I can save just one other person the torture of this movie then it was worth the few minutes to type.I may seem harsh with these comments but in truth these words are the nicest way I could have summed it up.I don't understand how tripe like this can still be churned out in the 21st century with over 100 years of film history behind us NO movie studio should back things like this.
rtm1981 It's seldom nowadays that I find a movie that I feel connects with me intellectually. I guess I've just seen way too many movies! This was a breath of fresh air, let me tell you. At the end of this movie you won't feel like you've visited a 3$ wh***. This movie's story is complete in every way.Despite all the above praise, I have to mention one thing that led to my average vote. Why no one has commented on this before me, I have absolutely no idea. The acting is atrocious; and there's just no way of getting around it. It's partly because of the mood the director wanted for his movie, but no one in this movie is even close to pulling it off. Even playing the robot, which in the beginning of its creation shouldn't require much skill, they completely miss the mark. In fact, if the story wasn't so genius, and the setting so beautifully laid out, not to mention some of the very artistic filming - I would probably have stopped watching the movie altogether.