Flesh Eating Mothers
Flesh Eating Mothers
| 16 September 1988 (USA)
Flesh Eating Mothers Trailers

A venereal disease turns an entire town of two-timing mothers into cannibals!

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
phredd8675 Man, this movie is bad! So bad that it is pretty funny to watch. Bad acting, bad dialog. I just finished watching it and I have to say that I was just shaking my head in disbelief at the whole entire mess. Don't get me wrong, I love movies like this. And believe it or not, it's not the worst one I've ever seen. Hence, only a score of two stars instead of one. My dad and I use to rent movies based on the poor reviews and silly titles. I hope some of the actors went on to bigger and better things and put this one behind them. Far, far behind them! -SPOILERS!!- Is it just me or by the end of the movie did some the mothers look a little bit like the Joker with the stretched out mouths?
james_cocos-snowboots Flesh-Eating Mothers is a bombastic parody of the excesses of modern life. When the over-sexed mothers sit around and discuss their over-active sex lives (without their husband's participation) this movie really hits home as a commentary on modern morality in a world that has lost its teleological end as an ethical culture in which the end of life is ethical satisfaction and contentment with God and His ultimate purpose. As usual in teenage movies, the teenagers are the moral paragons while the adults struggle to live up to their example. This lesson never gets old; teenagers are shown to be more aware of the moral ramifications of immorality as they are more innocent than the parents they are railing against. This is a humorous examination of the ramifications of a world gone wrong, and a humorous one at that!! Highly recommended!!!!!
hibiscus7694 My brother was the boy in the frying pan on the cover of the movie. We Lived in Jersey City at the time and personally knew the artist who illustrated the picture. He was about 7 or 8 years old at the time. He was given a signed copy of the poster but unfortunately a boy of his age has a tendency to lose things. We still to this day have never seen the movie.Really want to see it so I figure we will get it from direct DVD considering Amazon claims it doesn't come out on DVD until May.I had looked it up awhile back and the VHS versions were going for about sixty dollars for used copies. Talk about overpriced. Is this movie really as bad as many people have posted?
Paul Andrews This absolutely wretchedly bad film opens with Commissioner Dixon (Ken Eaton) running through a wood with one of his arms missing, blood dripping onto the ground. He sees his wife Elisa (Lori Gustafson) turns round and fire his shotgun. Roddy Douglas (Louis Homyak) is the local stud who appears to be having, or has had in the past an affair with just about every woman in the film. Nurse Felicia Dodd (Carolyn Gratsch) informs her boss, Dr. Bass (Allen Lewis Rickman as Allen Rickman) that a sample taken from Douglas has been tested and she has some surprising results, Dr. Bass doesn't seem interested. Meanwhile there has been various instances of cannibalism among the towns female community. Sheriff Clyde McDormick (Mickey Ross) visits his ex-wife Lous (Marie Micheals) and finds her eating their son Billy (Scott Lerner). He shoots her. Other acts of cannibalism occur, Roddy's wife Sylvia (Katherine Mayfield) eats their baby, for instance. It soon becomes clear that Roddy has passed on some sort of viral disease that only affects women that have had children, it's as stupid as it sounds just don't ask. McDormick teams up with the local coroner Dr. Lee Grouley (Micheal Fuer) to try and figure out whats going on. Meanwhile the flesh-eating mothers remaining offspring Linda Douglas (Donatella Hecht), Joyce Shepard (Valorie Hubbard), Jeff Nathan (Robert Lee Oliver), Timmy Nolan (Terry Hayes) and Rinaldi Vivaldo (Neal Rosen) decide to take responsibility for their mothers actions and also set out to try and stop them.Co-written, co-produced and directed by the extremely untalented James Aviles Martin I hated this film. Simply hated it. Everything about it is absolutely terrible. The photography is of home camcorder quality, the music is awful as well, the sound is so badly recorded I could barely hear what people were saying and James mate, next time you want to record live sound make sure it's not next to a busy main road! It would be nice to actually hear what the characters were saying, you know what I mean? Production design is none existent, the whole film appears to be shot in about three different streets and some of the cast and crews houses. The gore is pretty tame, there's a bitten off arm, a few gunshot wounds and a sequence where a cop is eaten, but it looks awful. When Dr. Grouley and Felicia are examining some blood samples the microscopic image of the cells are hand drawn animation, it's the first time I've ever seen blood cells with faces and arms! I'm not joking, seriously the filmmakers depict blood under a microscope as cartoon characters bumping into each other! The script by Aviles Martin and Zev Schlasinger is predictably rubbish, boring, stupid, nothing happens for any reason and the dialogue sounds like it was written (and with the actors on show delivered) by a five year old. This is the kind of film that has a great eye-catching cool sounding title and gory over the top artwork on the video box but in the end is total crap, we've all been conned in this way. Please don't waste your time watching this film, I hated it, simple as that really. If I can can prevent, no save just one person from watching this piece of sewer scum by writing this review then it's been worth it. Probably one of the worst horror films I've ever had the misfortune to sit through, once again please avoid this crap at all costs!
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