AVH: Alien vs. Hunter
AVH: Alien vs. Hunter
| 18 December 2007 (USA)
AVH: Alien vs. Hunter Trailers

A journalist named Lee Custler (William Katt) is out jogging when a flying object passes behind him and crashes. Sheriff Joel Armstrong (Collin Brock) picks him up and they go to check it out. They find an abandoned caravan close to where the object crashed. As they discover the object and realize it is a spaceship, an Alien emerges. The Alien (resembling a giant spider with a lizard-like head and torso) then chases them, after which Lee flees to the car. However Armstrong makes a stand, trips, falls and is killed by the Alien that then leaves. A terrified Tammy finds Lee and they call the local authorities but their car is destroyed by the Alien.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
movieman_kev It truly doesn't take much to be considered one of the 'better' Asylum movies, simply show a small amount of competence and you're well beyond the curve for most of this particular studio's output. But what truly disastrous, bottom of the barrel swill do you have to sink to to be seen as the worst of the Asylum?? This leads us into AVH.Starring William Katt as a journalist who stumbles onto an alien invasion, this movie is detestable in just about every conceivable way. Acting, plot, special effects and any semblance of anything even remotely reassembling entertainment value be damned. I'm sincerely worst for having subjected myself to this asinine claptrap (or is it crap trap) of a 'film'
mikemdp First off, let's acknowledge how nice it is to see William Katt in a movie again. He's a long damn way from "House" (the '80s horror-comedy, not the medical "Sherlock Holmes" redux), longer still from "The Greatest American Hero" and an eon from the surfing classic "Big Wednesday." And, he's got a middle school music teacher's "Flanders" mustache. But he's still William Katt, and seeing him here is like seeing your cool, stoner cousin at the 10-year family reunion and being pleasantly relieved to discover he's still cool and still a stoner.Let's acknowledge, secondly, that this is not AVP, and if you were fooled by the photo on the box and the spacey font, you probably need to pay more attention to a lot of things in your life more important than DVD box art.That said, acknowledge again that AVP itself isn't exactly "2001: A Space Odyssey." Aping a comic-book action movie and succeeding as a lesser quality one is kind of like being one of those also-ran comic books that launched in the wake of "Action Comics #1" -- you're not "Superman," by any means, but you satisfy when "Superman" is sold out.AVH satisfies like that. It probably cost less than a million to make, the special effects are passable, but work (though they're few and far between), and the "hunter" costume is actually better than you might expect.Looking for logic? Was there any logic to "AVP: Requiem"? I couldn't figure that one out with flash cards. Here, nobody behaves in the way a normal human being would when faced with a situation like this. But if they did, there would be no movie. Or, at least, there would be a really short movie made up of nothing but people running as fast as they can, yelling, "Aaaaah! Giant alien spiders!" The end.Me, I'd rather watch them wander endlessly in the woods and talk incessantly about their situation; it being that a giant alien spider is for some reason running around on earth, as is its alien "hunter" that for reasons unclear also chooses to kill humans.I do love that whenever we're treated to the scene as through an alien's eyes, the director just puts a piece of beveled glass in front of the camera, as if any creature anywhere could survive with that kind of eyesight.It's disconcerting to see here that decades of smoking have taken their toll on '80s cutie-pie Dedee Pfeiffer, who had always been more approachably attractive than her goddess-like sister Michelle. Nowadays, the Marlboro man has softer skin than this chick. Seriously, Linda Hamilton strikes her matches off Dedee Pfeiffer's cheeks.And hey! There's a surprise ending! Does it count as a spoiler to say that it's stupid? Not really, since everything else in this film is stupid, too. Not giving anything away there.But you know, if "American Gladiators" taught us anything, it's that things can be stupid, but also fun. I'm glad to have picked AVH up for $2.99 at K-Mart on the same DVD as two other films produced by The Asylum -- the surprisingly effective "I Am Legend" mockbuster "I Am Omega" (which is worth the entire $2.99 itself), and the annoyingly tedious "Cloverfield" mockbuster "Monster" (which you should just leave be, unless someone is willing to pay you $2.99 to watch it).
lookatpie the only reason i would give this a 1 star is because there were parts of this movie that made me laugh because of how bad they were, like in one part the whole cast of 8 people (if that) are in the woods fighting the hunter and one of them gets knocked down and then is falling down a hill which came from nowhere. in one scene early on a guy is looking for a working cell phone, which 1st someone in the room is texting or something with a phone 2nd he pulls a phone out of his pocket later. this has the worst scenery, special effects, costumes, acting, script etc. i have ever seen. I've seen videos on youtube that a higher quality camera than this,and higher budgets and better acting. there was a part where i saw a fog machine on a shelf. many of the scenes were in one part, seriously there are 3 places i can think of that this was shot at. i thought it was supposed to be a knock off of AVP but the hunter looks like a samuri warrior or something and the alien looks the same but with spider legs. o have i explained the ending where the hunter takes off his mask and its a human! i can continue to warn you of all the evils of movie but there is just so much to explain. overall this movie is the worst movie i have ever seen... ever nothing is worse than this.
Tony Howe This is one of the poorest films I've ever seen. Low budget yes - but that doesn't mean it had to be this horrible. The acting was really bad - probably something to do with the awful script. The sound recording was terrible too - half the dialogue was lost in many scenes - could they only afford one boom mike? Don't stand too far away from it! The camera-work was terrible too - far too close to the actors and nearly every scene chopped the top of their heads off - did the boom mike keep creeping into shot I wonder? If one character was shorter than another, then there was no chance of getting them both in. The "special" effects were anything but, and they clearly only had a couple of sets to wander around in, as the same rooms kept appearing - not even re-dressed to make them appear different. Worst of all was the way it kept jumping around. One minute they were running away from an alien next to a trailer in the middle of nowhere - the next they were in a town meeting in a big urban building with a load of new people who hadn't been introduced to us, then back to the woods again for some pointless running about. The funniest scene was when they all went outside to look around (for no reason), and it was supposed to be night so there was a cheap blue filter over the lens - with bright sunshine in the background visible. Chronic.