The Shadow Walkers
The Shadow Walkers
R | 07 September 2006 (USA)
The Shadow Walkers Trailers

Shadow Walkers is a highly suspenseful story of a group of lab technicians and military personnel who awaken in a subterranean laboratory with no memory of who they are. They quickly discover that they are sealed in, with only one way to get out alive. They must travel deeper into the underground facility to an escape tunnel that leads to the surface. Hindered by the fact there is only limited electrical power, they struggle through the darkness where they uncover a hive of genetically mutated creatures that stalk them from the shadows. Bred for combat, these monsters are endowed with razor sharp talons and rows of jagged teeth capable of ripping a man apart. While avoiding danger at every turn, they begin to regain their memories, discovering the origin of the deadly creatures and the part they played in their creation.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Joshua Rece Umbra For one, the movie is entirely clichéd. For two, (I have to admit) I am grateful that it is only a "scifi," because if it were actually based off any real things, I would be a thousand times more insulted than I am, by merely the photo-work. The old zombie-like appearance is so far overdone that it has been done literally to death. On top of that, the acting, as I have seen, even in the commercials is so horrible, and the "special effects" are just as bad, that a child in grade school could have done better.Frankly, "The Shadow Walkers" is an insult to me, personally, to others who really ARE Shadow Walkers, and even to the very intelligence of those who watch the movie. I have seen better acting and "special effects" out of a Rob Zombie film. In the least, for a movie like this, the creators could have chosen another name for it, instead of picking something out which obviously has nothing to do with the idea behind the movie, let alone what they call "special effects." The movie doesn't even depict what a real Shadow Walker is, let alone does it have a decent storyline.To be blunt, this movie should never have been made.
Luna-Gemini many people really tear this movie apart and many mistakes were stated. First of all, the movie was shot on a very small budget, most people involved were interns in local Colorado film schools. So in a sense this was a low budget/student film in not so many words.Next, the movie was shot at Gates Factory (an abandonded building) NOT a parking structure.Lastly, the cover of the girl that everyone wonders about? That was the main scientist woman who turned into a creature in the end. So there ya go.I'm not saying this movie is the best but for many involved this was their first movie, so what do you expect? if you do rent this movie watch the "making of" documentary and you'll see this was a really low budget film. Maybe you won't be so harsh in your judgement!Ps...I know all this because I knowing of the people who were involved in the project.
ichibakahiyaa Some people make me mad when I see the reviews that they have on certain films. For instance all the people who have only said negative things about this film are just people who are bored with their lives so they must try and feel better by making the most negative comments about something else. Now although that may truly be how you feel, i think that you are not as smart as you think because you don't know anything about this film. To me this film is a low paid film, made by a young director who is not so experienced as a director or writer. Its a working progress assholes so don't be so judgemental. I bet half of you couldn't think of your own plot. And people saying how it is just a copy, i wanna see you write a film that has nothing to do with any other film created. But what I think is most disappointing is how everyone seems to not take into consideration the time and money management. along with the budget of paying the actors. So until you know everything it took to create this film. Shut your mouths and get a job and move out of your mother's basements.
Slym_sim I just created my IMDb profile just to comment this movie At first when I saw the cover of the DVD box, it looked like an interesting Resident Evil type movie (I like those movies even if we are invaded by those these days), so I bought it. Yep 10$ I'll never see again. When I watched the movie for the first time on my PC, I thought they had put the wrong movie on the DVD. I have one random question, why is there a picture of a girl on the cover? Anyways, I just couldn't believe it.At first, as the movie starts, all meanings of "acting" disappears. It's hard to become absorbed in a movie where the characters are acting just like if they were playing in "Scary Movie". The main character, who's supposed to be an army men or something, doesn't know how to hold a shotgun coreclty and has a very mind buzzing/confusing way of fighting. Maybe I'm too used to seeing movies like "The Matrix" or Jet Lee movies, but I think there's a limit.The visual effects and the editing are poor. I was sure it was a 90's horror movie inspired who's director's vision was highly inspired by Power Rangers, but then I saw on IMDb that it was a 2006 release. I was speechless. Come on, replay 5 times the same stunt in 60 diff angles with 15fps poor slow motion effects and fades is bad. I am sure the movie was filmed with a 200$ digital camera with a 5$ computer microphone and edited with Windows Movie Maker. No, I'm sorry, WMM can't make green screen effects, which were unaceptable for a 2006 production.The music makes no sense with the actions that are presented. What's the deal with the terrific metal band that plays the music for the "action" scenes... The first song kinda sounded OK.The sound effects are so cheesy. Some sounds were obviously directly taken from games and/or taken from a very common sound database. I'm sure I've heard some Starcraft sounds in there. The creatures' voice changing is hilarious.The costumes and the make-up is laughable. The army related costumes are the best. Like I have these clothes at home in a closet we never open. The make-up is soooo outdated. They used the same type of make-up in the 1922 movie "Nosferatu" without the green. Personnaly, I wouldn't be so scared of weird green face monsters with plastic teeth.The setting is (im running out of vocabulary). They managed to film almost the entire movie in a subterranean parking. I think this is pretty impressive, but sad.If you want to rent a scary movie, stay as far as you can from this movie. If you want to rent a funny movie, jump on this one, its the best because it wasn't meant to be funny. If you want, you can actually make copies this film and sell them legally, because the government knows you won't make a penny out of it.