Maniac Cop 2
Maniac Cop 2
R | 13 December 1990 (USA)
Maniac Cop 2 Trailers

After being framed by corrupt superiors and brutally assaulted in prison, Officer Matt Cordell teams up with a vicious serial killer to track down those that wronged him.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jacobjohntaylor1 The first Maniac Cop is a very scary movie. This is scarier . This is scarier then A Nightmare on elm street. This is scarier then Friday the 13th part V a new beginning. This is one of scariest movies ever. It has a great story line. It also has great acting.
GL84 When another spate of violence against officers occurs, a detective ties them to a previous rampage committed by the undead Maniac Cop Matt Cordell attempting to continue his original quest for vengeance and recruits the two survivors to stop him.This one here is incredibly impressive and manages to have a lot of things going for it. The pacing to this one is really great as there's never any down-time at all, it keeps things moving forward smoothly and never really slows down anytime here. This is mainly due to the film's major plus and biggest selling point, the amount of high-end action scenes in here, and all of them are exciting and interesting. The car chase to this is excellent, with the disbelieving victims chased around by the villain and continually ramming the car into everything causing tons of damage as well being pretty thrilling, and then the second half where the one survivor finds themselves trapped to the speeding car on the outside and forced to steer the car while hanging onto the door away from speeding traffic and eventually forces an impressive stunt to close things off. The brawl in the strip-club that eventually goes up into the motel room is nice and hard-hitting, although these pale in comparison to the film's big two moments, the assault on the police station and the finale in the prison. The police station one is simply great, starting off in the shooting gallery where after shooting dead the oblivious ones doing shooting practice, makes his way out of the darkness, into the main room and just starts firing away, walking through glass partitions gunning down anything that moves and then resorting to hand-to-hand brawling as well when necessary. The prison scene is just amazing all around, from where one set on fire crashes through a wall and falls onto a bus parked below, falls through and goes up in flames when the bus explodes, to the way it brings everything around and finally the resolution of the gang and the explosive finale, it's all great and just ends this the right way. There's also the fact that the Maniac Cop keeps the same look and feel throughout as the scarred face, quiet demeanor and hulking appearance is kept and it makes the villain appear that much more menacing from the silent walks with the thunderous footfalls of the shoes to the scenes which show him to be invincible. Along with a really nice and impressive body count that's much more than expected and some nice nudity with all the strip-club sequences, this has a lot to really like about it. There's really only one flaw to this one, that the majority of the kills here tends to use gunshot or being set on fire as the manner of death, and using it for so many in the body count is a little disconcerting. Still, this was all-around a fun slasher.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
Scott LeBrun Even though "Maniac Cop 2" can't quite measure up to its predecessor (at least in this viewers' humble opinion), it still shows its audience a pretty good time. It may lack the freshness of the first movie, but it delivers its seedy B movie thrills with great skill. It's extremely well paced and never, ever boring. It begins with a re-edited recap of the climax from "Maniac Cop" 1, and soon gets down to business with your standard-issue convenience store confrontation. The stunts are very impressive, and the cast is just littered with familiar faces, who approach Larry Cohens' story with square-jawed conviction.Matt Cordell (Robert Z'Dar), naturally, has survived and goes on to commit a new series of murders. Following his trail are a detective played by a cooler-than-cool Robert Davi ("Licence to Kill") and a foxy police psychiatrist played by Claudia Christian ("The Hidden"). Also on the loose is a serial killer of strippers named Turkell. Turkell is a chatty, high energy guy who provides Cordell with a place to stay. The authorities, represented by Michael Lerners' police commissioner, still don't want the truth about Cordell to get out. And everything climaxes with an atmospheric showdown at Sing Sing, where Cordell had spent his jail time.The cast also includes Clarence Williams III as an inmate facing death, Charles Napier as a talk show host, Robert Earl Jones (father of James Earl Jones) as a news vendor, Cohen repertory player James Dixon as a range officer, Danny Trejo in one of his frequent pre-stardom jailbird parts, Frank Pesce as a strip club MC, and Sam Raimi doing the cameo thing as a newscaster. Fans of "Maniac Cop" 1 will note with pleasure the presence of returnees Bruce Campbell and super sexy Laurene Landon, no matter if their characters are treated in a typical slasher sequel fashion. Rossi is the standout in a role that would have gone to Joe Spinell had Spinell not passed away. (The movie is dedicated to the late actor.)The script, overall, isn't as good this time around, but William Lustigs' direction is energetic and his movie can boast two major highlights: a police station massacre that outdoes the similar scene in "The Terminator" for sheer viciousness, and a sequence with the imperiled Christian handcuffed to a runaway car. Location work - in Times Square and other places - is excellent. Cordell is even more of a zombie this time around and his makeup is appropriately more ghoulish.A worthy viewing for horror and action fans.Seven out of 10.
lastliberal Robert Z'Dar is back as the unjustly convicted cop who was killed in prison by the people he sent there. He has risen from the dead of prison and also from the cold waters after a crash to wreak havoc upon the city.He may have a mission, but he just seems to kill anyone who gets in his way; except for another serial killer (Leo Rossi) who spends his time offing strippers. Nice bar scenes, by the way with D-luscious former Miss Oklahoma Paula Trickey with her bubbling boobage and rock-hard heinie.An outstanding assault on the police department is only exceeded by the longest flaming character I have seen out side of comic books.Also featuring Bruce Campbell, but he didn't last too long.