Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence
Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence
R | 01 February 1993 (USA)
Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence Trailers

When Kate Sullivan storms a hostage situation, the whole incident is captured on tape by an unscrupulous media crew who edit the footage to show her killing a helpless victim. "Maniac Cop" takes it upon himself to exact revenge upon those who smeared her name.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
dariuslanghoff "This is gruesome," says a squeamish cop when uncovering the headless corpse of a wino in a back alley. But to be precise, this 3rd entry in this popular horror series is not that gruesome at all, mostly downplaying the gore in favor of the stunt-filled action sequences.The Maniac Cop himself, Matt Cordell does not have much of a part in the story-line until the final act. Instead the film is mostly focused on around frayed-at-the-edges detective Robert Davi, who is very upset when his protégé young police woman is left brain-dead after a drugstore shootout with a psychopath.There are various peripheral characters who are going to suffer from Cordell's wrath. For instance, there is the greedy medico who jokes about the lady cop on life support, saying she might make a nice rock garden ornament.The final act is full of stunts including the sequence where Cordell is set on fire. The photography is good, characterizations are quirky, dialog witty, and the score pleases the ear.Arresting entertainment. To my mind, the best part of the trilogy.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Having watched all three of these movies within days of each other, the conclusion is essentially that they should have left it with the campiness and cheesiness of the first movie. Especially since it was just downhill after that first movie."Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence" actually didn't much sense, especially in comparison to the previous two movies. The overall here just feels like a series of random shots had been put together for a movie, as if they had given different directors free reigns to just do whatever they wanted and then patches their individual products together at the end during production.The story line in "Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence" was laughable at best. It was so predictable that it almost hurt. You could essentially start watching the movie, leave for a while and come back, and you would still be fully up to speed with what was going on in the movie.As for the characters, well Matt Cordell had turned into a farce by now here in the third movie. But if you enjoyed the second movie, then you might actually find some enjoyment in this third addition to the franchise.The special effects were nothing outstanding, and just basically continued on in the same pace as the second movie. The effects, of course, show the signs of the age in which they were created. Just a friendly word of advice, don't expect too much here.By now with the third movie it felt like they were just squeezing out the last drops available. It didn't really feel like there was any heart and soul added to this movie.I have now watched this third movie, and with it I will let Matt Cordell rest, because it was definitely much needed after strained two sequels.
ivo-cobra8 Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence (1993) is very underrated and it might be the worst one in the series but is my second favorite Action horror flick from the 90's and I still love it. I even more love it than I like the second film. I know that this film is different from the first film that started all and I still think the director and cast crew did a great job in this final installment of Maniac Cop franchise. Claudia Christian,Michael Lerner,Bruce Campbell, Laurene Landon,Clarence Williams III,Leo Rossi,Lou Bonacki,Paula Trickey and Charles Napier none of those actors from the second film come back for the third ride but I think new cast and new plot did a great job. I Love this film because it is an Action Horror flick from the 90's and the film is also dark not as dark as Maniac Cop 1 & 2 but still dark. Like I mentioned I love Action horror flicks and this one did delivered because it had some great action sequences and shootings that I did liked and I thought it was much better film than Maniac Cop 2 because Robert Davi's character Det. Sean McKinney had something to do than he did in the second film because wounded one criminal and through the rest of the film he didn't do anything except talking here he at least did something.The end of the film when Matt Cordell was in flame again and he died caring his bride Kate and Sean didn't do anything I was mad because I thought the film ended without Matt burning to death again and that's it? No action sequences nothing? I was really surprised by the ending and that finally Sean did fought Matt and he defeat him that's what I love in this film. The chase sequences burning police car chasing an ambulance was an fantastic scene.. I am glad Joel Soisson took over the direction when the original series director William Lustig just left the film project and refused to shoot the additional scenes the producers wanted and quit the project.Maniac Cop III: Badge of Silence is a 1993 action horror film written by Larry Cohen and directed by William Lustig, and an uncredited Joel Soisson. It is the sequel to 1990's Maniac Cop 2, and the final installment in the Maniac Cop series, which began in 1988.A female cop is gunned down and wrongly accused of using excessive force in a hostage rescue attempt. Maniac cop returns from the dead once more to seek revenge, destroying everything and anyone that stands in his way. A voodoo priest resurrect Matt Cordell from dead once again to get revenge on the people for framing fellow officer Katie Sullivan in hostage rescue attempt. Robert Davi as Det. Sean McKinney did a terrific job as the main hero. The shooting scene in the Hospital was one of his best scenes in the film. He shoot three guys with two guns which was awesome including Jackie Earle Haley as the killer. He fought with Matt Cordell and he finally killed him on the end. Caitlin Dulany as Dr. Susan Fowler was awesome as Doctor in the hospital she did a great job. Gretchen Becker as Officer Katie Sullivan was amazingly fantastic, she shoot with automatic riffle Daisy Softair Model 15 MP-5K in the store on the robber Jessup this Action sequence was fantastic. Killing an insider the store clerk was Jessup's accomplice when she fired on Katie and Katie shooting her in the head was awesome, I love this scene.Jackie Earle Haley as Frank Jessup did a good terrific job as the villain in this film and Julius Harris also did a good job as a voodoo priest. Robert Z'Dar as Matt Cordell did a good job performing his character not that good as he did in the first two films but I still like his performance in here. I love this Action Horror flick and I really miss Action Horror films form the 90's. Yes Maniac Cop 3 wasn't the best or that good like were it's predecessors but it was still a good film for it's third ride. They aren't any good Action Horror films today, it is so sad, I want to see movies like are this one today in 2015, but I want. I also love the main theme from Joel Goldsmith better than I did in the second film. 7/10 Grade: -B Studio: NEO Motion Pictures, First Look Pictures, Overseas FilmGroup Starring: Robert Davi,Caitlin Dulany,Gretchen Becker ,Paul Gleason, Doug Savant and Robert Z'Dar. Director: William Lustig,Joel Soisson. Producer: Joel Soisson, Michael Leahy Rated: R Running Time: 1Hrs. 25Mins.
Boba_Fett1138 Compared to the first two movies, this one is certainly a bit of a disappointment. It's not as fun and also not as action packed as any of the two previous movies. Perhaps the fact that director William Lustig walked off the set, for some reason, is the reason for this.You can tell that this movie had some really good ideas in it but it just doesn't work out quite well enough all.It sounds strange but even Cordell just comes across as a totally pointless character in this movie, even though he is the titular maniac cop of the movie. Seems like the movie really had a hard time putting its emphasis on the right elements and persons within this movie. It was true that in the previous movie the Robert Davi got pushed to the background too much, even though he was supposed to be the main hero of the movie. This time its perhaps more the other way around, with the movie focusing more on the 'human' characters and not the evil villainous Matt Cordell. it makes everything that he does in this movie come across as just silly and pointless. No, the movie just doesn't work out that very well.But the thing that was perhaps still missing most from this movie was the fact that it just didn't managed to become fun or entertaining to watch. Of course all of the previous Maniac Cop movies are silly ones but at least the know to be fun and don't become ever very serious and instead goes more often over-the-top.Oh well, it at least still has Robert Davi and Jackie Earle Haley in it, who still keep the movie somewhat interesting and fun to watch, avoiding it from becoming a completely unwatchable one.Not hard to see why they decided on leaving the series at 3 movies.5/10