Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight
Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight
| 12 June 1994 (USA)
Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight Trailers

In 1928, Amelia Earhart gains fame by undertaking a transatlantic flight as a passenger. In 1937, she and her navigator Fred Noonan undertake her longest flight: a round-the-world attempt. However, the plane disappears in the process.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
denscul I like flying movies, but being a professional pilot, I have found misleading info about Earhart, that was probably more the fault of her sponsors than herself However, she did not shy from the limelight, and was an ardent feminist.This made for TV film appears to be a little short on facts and long on the myths that have made Earhart the most famous of female pilots. This mythology is not fair to other aviators,male and female, who made more contributions to aviation as a commercial venture and towards safety.This film thus centers on the myth, rather than stick to the facts. Earharts aviation contributions are substantial, however, she seemed to have more than her share of accidents, some of which indicate a basic failure of pilot judgment. Engines can fail, weather is unpredictable, gas may be exhausted before landing, but a pilot's judgment must be constant to meet the various challenges.The real Earhart apparently had so many irons in the fire, her skills as a pilot became questionable. One of a pilot's requirements is recent experience. Making historical flights in questionable aircraft could not be a part-time job. In a recent biography of Earhart, none of her warts which would show her humanity rather than the public image which we already know. This film does nothing for me but watching aircraft fly.
fedor8 The film is interesting, with a good Dern and a good Hauer, but Keaton is badly miscast. Her hectic, slightly quirky style doesn't fit the role of this woman at all. And I can't imagine Keaton riding a bicycle without help, let alone flying an airplane; she looks as out of place in that cockpit as Ernest Borgnine in a bedroom putting ice-cubes on Kim Basinger's stomach. It was obvious that the PC 90s would add a feminist touch to this woman, whether she really was a hard bitch or not. They just forgot to mention the fact that she dumped her husband (and kids, I think) and some other less heroic details. The way they make Earhart scream and bitch all the time seems a little exaggerated, but there is no question that this must have been a woman with the ego of a Warren Beatty. The aerial shots are nice.
jferrari-3 This movie despite its shortcomings got me started researching the life of Fred Noonan nearly ten years ago. Rutger Hauer looks nothing like Fred who was tall and thin yet the movie although stereotyped is fairly accurate. It is true that Fred did indeed have a drinking problem for which he was fired but evidence shows that much of this was due to the immense strain he was under rather than a wilful character defect.It could be said that he was the worlds first commercial aerial navigator. He was nothing short of brilliant. He is shown as a likable character and this was so in real life. The video cover could have done without the image of him in a grimy shirt,cigarette in mouth, poring over a chart with a bottle of booze. Untrue. He was sartorial dresser who worried about the cleanliness of his clothes and the cigarette ash would have burned a hole in his precious chart.One scene shows him laying back in the plane reading a magazine. For years I thought 'No way!' until recently I found out that he is reputed to have done just that in the Clipper planes which he navigated on their pioneering flights across the Pacific.Only it was thrillers rather than holiday brochures! This movie is well worth seeing. Its not brilliant art but is more factual than much of the stuff that is written about and discussed in Earhart circles. For those into the disappearance, Elgen Long's book, is in my opinion the best and most informative. But there IS also considerable 'evidence' for the theory that they may have been captured by the Japanese. In addition its not impossible that they might have perished on Niku.Jackie Ferrari
dtucker86 This movie is a real insult to a brave woman. It is just lies and slander all the way through. I cannot believe it was even made it is so base and false. Amelia was a true heroine and a pioneer who paved the way for other woman pilots. I cannot believe that ridiculous story that she was spying for the government! Amelia and Fred were involved in an aircraft accident, it is that simple. There is a man named Elgin Long who has spent years researching the case and I think he found the answer. Due to a combination of empty fuel tanks, faulty navigation and exhaustion, Amelia's plane went down in the sea about a hundred miles from tiny Howland Island. The impact alone probably killed them both, even if it hadn't the plane would have sunk like a rock within minutes.
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