Desert Dancer
Desert Dancer
PG-13 | 20 March 2015 (USA)
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Inspirational true story of Iranian dancer Afshin Ghaffarian, who risked his life for his dream to become a dancer despite a nationwide dancing ban.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
sas2014 The content of this movie is soft and 1/100 of the sad reality of youth living in that godforsaken country. if the catch you laughing/dancing/singing they beat you & call you whores. While the real animals basiji and their whores, get paid to torture and kill young boys and girls. this is our reality for 37 years. I left and anyone who could left. If you stay, you become depressed, put in prison or drug addict. that is what the ayatollahs want. watch this film and feel lucky that most basic human rights like enjoying music is not taken away from you
carter-drewj This piece of political trash is so hilariously made to trash Iran and it's people and government - as to be laughable.Considering the history of Persia (Iran) this movie would have made "yellow journalist" William Randolph Hearst giddy! In 1951 Mohammed Mossadeg was Time's Man of the year .. and garnered a front page spread:,16641,19520107,00.html As Kermit Roosevelt brags on the web page, Kermit was in charge of bombing schools, churches and blaming it on Mossadeq! The reason for this terrorism: Mossadeq wanted to use some of Iran's oil revenues to improve his country! British Petroleum would have none of that .. and the "terror" started. Moosadeq was overthrown, and the Shah of Iran placed in charge of the county - and the secret police "The Savak" ruled Iran with extreme terror for decades. That is the historical perspective which this movie glosses over, making it such a piece of propaganda trash! On the one hand the CIA installed Shah .. killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of Iranians - on the other hand the vicious government they have now disallows dancing! What a tragedy that Movies like this get funded!
Ryan Gee This was a very well made film! After watching the movie, I learned a lot about Iran and their views on dancing. Pretty intense! The boy who played the role of Afshin Ghaffarian, the dancer, did an amazing job. Frieda Pinto also played a role in this movie, and was interesting to learn about her character. Everyone had their specific role in the movie, telling the story of what really happens there. Its a very wild thought to think about what it would be like to live away from home, and the type of lifestyle some people see in the middle east, where this takes place.If you like interesting stories that are true, you will love this movie!Hands down one of the more interesting movies i have ever seen.
SuzyCayenne I wanted to like this film, because it really is a compelling (and true) story.But there was too much wrong with it. The overly melodramatic presentation (and music--can you say Steven Spielberg on a really bad day?) seriously took away from what could have been a truly human drama. The lead actress was so boringly humorless and the whole struggle-with-her-junkiedom so overdone that it was hard to have any sympathy for either her, or anyone who put up with her! and why was the dude from Downton Abbey playing an Iranian, in such unconvincing fashion? It's not like there aren't LOTS of really good actors from that region! The takeaway? Maybe someone should make a documentary on the subject matter.
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