War Horse
War Horse
PG-13 | 25 December 2011 (USA)
War Horse Trailers

On the brink of the First World War, Albert's beloved horse Joey is sold to the Cavalry by his father. Against the backdrop of the Great War, Joey begins an odyssey full of danger, joy, and sorrow, and he transforms everyone he meets along the way. Meanwhile, Albert, unable to forget his equine friend, searches the battlefields of France to find Joey and bring him home.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
sj-facebook War horse is a story which presents all those in war and the goodness of some regardless of side or class. This film captures non of that. The smiling English v the miserable Germans. The book is short children's story which is an emotional roller coaster, each character has depth to them that simply has not been captured in the film. The play is an absolute masterpiece and I can't recommend it highly enough.
brettascott I saw the stage version of this story in London a good few years back - it was magnificent, I even shed a tear or two at the end. The only tears this time were those of laughter - I was amazed at the inept script, wooden actors chewing the scenery in embarrassment and the pointless diversion from the original story - this seemed like 4 or 5 vignettes totally unconnected from each other apart from that darn Lassie, sorry I mean Joey. If it wasn't a Spielberg film it would've gone straight to DVD. Dreadful.
zkonedog If you've ever seen the movie "Forrest Gump", you are familiar with the concept of "the journey" being more than "the resolution" in film-making. Steven Spielberg's "War Horse" is based on a similar concept...only instead of a bench-sitting, story-telling Southerner, this time the journeyer is of the equestrian variety.For a basic plot summary, "War Horse" is a conglomeration of tales surrounding a rather remarkable horse. Raised by a young boy as a plow horse in an Irish farm, the horse eventually finds itself in the thick of World War I, where it changes hands on a number of occasions, building drama along the way.At its core, "War Horse" is two things:First, it is a World War I period piece, which it succeeds at just fine. The battle scenes are intense, the time period looks/feels about right, and the impact of the war on the surrounding territories is a nice addition that usually isn't covered in these sorts of flicks.Primarily, though, "War Horse" is a human-centered drama that tells its story through the travels of the horse. Every person who comes into contact with the horse has an interesting backstory of their own, and Spielberg does a good job of fleshing them all out and still keeping them relevant in the end.The only reason this isn't a five-star film is because some of the situations the horse encounters fall (at least in my opinion) widely beyond the realm of possibility (in favor of high drama, of course).Overall, "War Horse" is a solid film that will attract a wide variety of audiences. Whether you prefer action/adventure, romance, human drama, animal tales, or war stories, this movie has something you will enjoy. The film can also be enjoyed by all but the youngest of children (as the war scenes are not too graphic as to scare off grade-schoolers).
kijii Somehow I was able to grind my way through this VERY boring 2.5 hour movie, perhaps because I thought I should see any movie that had been nominated for 6 Oscars, including Best Picture. John Williams score was, as usual, very good and the art production is very good too. However,if one is not interested in either dark war movies (World War I) or horses, there is very little here for one to connect to. A horse is born, goes an odyssey, with hardships and many owners, and is finally reunited with its original owners.This movie is a Steven Spielberg-Kathleen Kennedy production, and one usually is not disappointed with the movies they make. However, I can only say, I'm sure glad it didn't spend the money or time to see it in a movie theater.