Diagnosis: Death
Diagnosis: Death
| 16 April 2010 (USA)
Diagnosis: Death Trailers

Two people meet as guinea pigs in a weekend drug trial. They soon discover their lives are in more danger than they imagined. The staff are peculiar. The drugs cause hallucinations. Or is the clinic really haunted? Struggling with their senses, they must team up to unravel a spooky mystery.

Micitype Pretty Good
PodBill Just what I expected
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
manjodude I found the entire flick to be comical, although there're a few gory scenes. Probably that's because of the lead character Andre(actor Rabyon Kan) who's mostly scared and frequently hiding behind his new-found love Juliet(actor Jessica Grace). I find that really sissy :)Suze Tye as the villainous nurse is quite scary. I'd dread to have such a creepy person helping me with my medication, even if she has a hot body! The climax was unconvincing. I could not digest how the ghosts finally got some power only when our lead characters finished solving the puzzle of the double murders.Verdict: Silly, silly creep show.
sleeping_pirate This is honestly one of the worst films I have ever seen. It made me laugh for all the wrong reasons: stilted dialogue; awful camera-work; and terrible acting. It makes sense that the lead actor is one of the writers... he wouldn't have been cast otherwise. Naturally, like most people, I bought this because Bret, Jemaine, and Rhys from Flight of the Conchords are in it. The fact that Jemaine and Rhys are hardly seen didn't bother me at all, the film could've still been really good without them. But it was horrendous from start to finish.I bought this for £6 in a sale, whereas really it should have been in a bargain bin somewhere for 50p. I'll never watch it again!
vinny_e This is a nice, low-budget, interesting little movie. Great to see a film with one of the main writers as a lead (funny-man Raybon Kan, who is as good-a comedian as he is a movie star). Suze Tye was my favorite though, creepy & beautiful at the same time, I thoroughly enjoyed her character and the way she portrayed Nurse BatesComparable to Shaun of the Dead, (which also features a great writer/actor; Simon Pegg) but on a smaller scale, with very much the same RomCom Horror spirit (not so much horror, but enough to remove any chick-flick stigma :)I'd expect short-sighted mainstream movie-buffs to quickly denounce and criticize this film, so 'skip this one' if you're too narrow-minded to appreciate the simple things in lifeGo NZ movies!!
Samuel Stevens Don't listen to what everyone else says this film is actually really good. Firstly everyone get over the fact that Flight OF The Conchords aren't actually in it that much. Bret has quite a big role, say the 4th biggest in the film. Rhys is in 2 scenes and Jemaine is only in it for about 2 minutes. After you realise this you can sit back and watch this movie with an open mind. The plot is rather solid and good and the acting is done in a way which is suspenseful and comedic. Overall really enjoyed it. 8/10 Most will enjoy.:D