The Cure
The Cure
R | 06 February 2014 (USA)
The Cure Trailers

When a young female scientist discovers that the pharmaceutical company she works for had developed a cure for cancer years earlier, she attempts to release it to the world. Knowing that they make more money from chemotherapy drugs than the cure, the company does everything it can to stop her.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Platypuschow I'm not a big conspiracy guy but The Cure deals with one that personally I think is very feasible. I'm referring to the cure for cancer existing but it being more profitable to treat than to cure.The story is powerful and heart wrenching, made even more impactful by just how realistic the concept is.I was really enjoying it but was saddened to see two things take place. One character bounces from being likeable to detestable every other scene like I've never experienced before.Secondly the story becomes a bit far fetched, I'd have rather have seen a slow burning thriller without the need for guns and explosions. The front cover even shows it off to be exactly that, but it should have been so much more.The Cure is a USA/NZ joint venture and a passable one at that, but it should have been better. If only they'd kept their feet on the ground.The Good:Excellent conceptCast do a decent jobMostly well writtenThe Bad:Inconsistent charactersGets a bit daft by the endThings I Learnt From This Movie:If you don't think the worlds governments/big pharma companies would/will do this you're out of your mindNot every movie need guns damnit
Graham Bathgate The measure of a watchable film for me is how long it holds me; this one was about 60% until the soundtrack and the daft action got to me. The soundtrack is incessant drumbeat; sometimes there are layered sounds such as "music", police siren, sounds of actors, etc. but the music conquers all for its constant boring beat. The action from before halfway got really silly; we were supposed to believe that some hired guns would have sub-machine guns and other weapons as if going to war, and acting as if that was the case when it was just a trio of scientists they were up against. Really this was 2 out of 10 because of the above but somehow I was held, so there must have been something more interesting than the usual ... possibly some reasonable acting.
yashaswi kumarakalva short and sweet, packs in a lot of suspense. great for a one time watch. the only thing off about it is, maybe the lack of proper directorial skill by the maker or the lack of funds. it would have been a great movie with a few stars thrown in or some budget to produce a better exhilarating effect on the viewers. the story is great, but not as fresh or new as one would assume or like it to be. there is a cure for cancer found long ago, but has not been released for monetary benefit. the story revolves around how a group of people escape a laboratory after they have found the secret of the cure and the owner o the company tries to kill them without any trace of him trying to kill them. overall, perfect for a boring Sunday afternoon...
Endre Rigstad This is potentially the worst film I have ever seen. Without spoilers, as there are no surprisesThere are no surprises, the actors are awful, the storyline is questionable and it was a total waste of 1,5 hours.Award for bad acting goes to this movie.I seriously recommend NOT watching this movie. Not even the concept of it is particularly appealing.There was no point in the movie that sparked an interest in me. Boredom and the fact that I bought the movie kept me from stopping it at an earlier stage.Awaiting The Cure 2, where the same actions will be performed by different people in a different pharmaceutical company.