A Cadaver Christmas
A Cadaver Christmas
| 02 April 2011 (USA)
A Cadaver Christmas Trailers

United by terrifying and bizarre circumstances, the janitor, the drunk, the bartender, the cop, his perp, and the student security guard must fight to undo the professor's work. A dark force is at work in the cadaver lab this Christmas and this unconventional band of heroes are the only hope the world has against an army of living corpses that are quickly recruiting new members. The undead have been given the gift of life and it's up to the janitor to take it back.

Wordiezett So much average
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
revbighig Normally, I am so tired of zombies these days, I skip such films. But this time, I'm glad I didn't. Bored and lazy at 2:00 in the morning, I saw nothing interesting on the tube, so I said what the heck, I'll check it out before I crash. It turned out to be quite funny. The goofy characters approached over the top, but in an affable way. Think of your craziest real-life acquaintances thrust into an even crazier situation. I liked the artificial graininess imposed over the film like worn black and white stock. And the hokey lighting was perfect vintage '50s monster movie. Also, the soundtrack was a gas - rock Christmas music played in creepy minor keys. All in all, a good time, with a lot of laughs.
Sorpse the dialogue in this movie is very well written and the janitor actor sells the whole thing with his performance. Everyone else is what you would expect from an indie film but he steals the show. Gore and dialogue are the key reasons to see this. its indie film making done right. This movie will fit in perfectly with my collection of Christmas horror movies and becoming essential viewing over the holidays. The people behind this seem very talented as the gore effects all looked great and the one liners hit more often than not. I liked the part where the janitor was passed out and the drunk was moving his lips and talking for him, twas priceless. I had a great time and this movie fits in well with newer grindhouse-esque slew of indie films as well as all of my holiday favorites.
archiecm Zombies are a given but the characters still need to stick to some kind of personality, some basic persona with unflinching motivations. The fake cop breaks character after entering the school. First he's the bad guy apprehender. Then he's the guilty guy who accidentally killed his cat and then he's just a scared guy who wants to escape. But the real king of character changes is the janitor. He's aware that they need more weapons, and some real cops (not just the fake one they have). But both times he tries to call 911 he can't complete the deal. Instead of letting the school security girl have her routine fact finding, he hangs up even though it closes out his hope that she'll call the cops if there's a real need. Rather than this being an inconsistency in his character, maybe he's just a little impatient. But after they have the showdown at the professors office and half of them are dead or infected they run downstairs and the janitor is the one who no longer feels outnumbered and outclassed. Now he wants to stay and fight even though they have no weapons and no hope. It's totally against everything he said in the film up to that point. Total personality reverses are harder to take than slobbering mauling zombies so I bailed. But now I wonder how it turned out.
solitare96 Having seen many of Zerull's short films, I was anxiously awaiting the release of this film. Seeing it on the big screen was quite delightful though I've never seen a movie quite like this before. I normally don't like this genre, but I had to see it after watching his short films. There was one scene that wasn't necessary in my opinion, but, overall, this film was great. It combined humor with other characteristics of the zombie film. There were several "gross out" scenes, but, again, that's to be expected. The one scene that touched me the most was the drunk's speech; it explains so much of his behavior. Even if you're a mild fan of the undead, you'll want to catch this one!