| 01 November 1988 (USA)
Mamba Trailers

When Gene, a maniacally deranged computer-game designer, gets dumped by his beautiful artist wife, he devises a masochistic plan for revenge. Taking his spouse prisoner, Gene locks her in her windowless Los Angeles loft but leaves her with something to keep her company -- a deadly mamba snake. Via electronic sensors and cameras, he watches with glee as his terrorized ex-lover fights for her life.

Steineded How sad is this?
SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Seraherrera The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Comeuppance Reviews Gene Campbell (Henry) buys a deadly black mamba snake and traps his former wife Eva (Styler) in her apartment with the snake. He sits outside in his car, monitoring both the snake and Eva on a computer tracking device. Will Eva escape? Man, this is one weird movie. The plot, the camera angles (including, you guessed it, "snake vision"), lighting and the strange dialogue all add up to one off-kilter experience. Speaking of dialogue, Henry is great in his role as the deranged electronics whiz who, feeling jilted by his former wife, decides shooting and stabbing her are so old-fashioned and having her get bitten by a poisonous snake is the wave of the future. He gets to say totally natural lines that people say to each other every day, such as: "You're so weak. So sweet, shy and impressionable. It was me, wasn't it? I suffocated you with my strength. Took you over, I corrupted you with my money and my power. You had to ditch me to defend the delicate little flower of your weakness. You can't imagine how much I despise you - I despise weaklings" ...and it goes on from there. The best part is, Henry pulls it off! He is such a great actor, you totally believe him as the nutjob who hates weakness. Did I mention he hates weakness? Of course, this begs the question, why did he hook up with quirky, artsy-type (She wears two different color socks) Eva in the first place? She must make a lot of money making play-doh sculptures of octopi to afford her gigantic, vast, windowless apartment. In fact, rather than just chop the snake's head off with a knife, she actually jogs laps around the place "to confuse it". She doesn't wear pants throughout most of the movie, even when putting on all her clothes to protect herself against the snake, the pants don't last very long. She also must talk to herself for about 90 percent of the running time. You'll wonder why Sting wanted to marry her.It is established that Eva is an animal lover, so maybe it was out of pure diabolical evil that Gene wanted to use that against her and kill her with a snake. There is an animal theme throughout the movie, from Eva's shirt with a fish on it, to their names (Eva = Eve, i.e., Adam and Eve and the snake, and Gene = the genetic map of life), and her sculptures.Also, music legend Giorgio Moroder not only did the music, but also co-produced the film. Clearly the man knows what to invest his money in.When it came out on VHS in the U.S. on Vidmark, it was labeled as an "erotic thriller". Unless you have a snake fetish, this is a miscategorization. There are only three characters in the entire film, and one, Bill Moseley's character, only in the beginning as the snake salesman. Technically, there is also an uncredited actor as a delivery boy, but this primarily two-person (in two separate places, mostly) film almost could have been a play. Hey Broadway: "Fair Game": the musical? Eh? Eh? Bizarrely directed by Mario Orfini, "Fair Game" is an oddity.For more insanity, please visit:
sibilance64 one black mamba in a warehouse apartment versus one hot white mama. Trudie styler(aka mrs sting) plays the ultimate game of keep away from one angry venomous reptile placed there by a spurned computer game playing geek.(it's always the quiet ones you know?)most of the plot is incredulous to be generous,but i did think the one scene where she dumps flour on the floor to track the mamba's movements was pretty smart. well if nothing else if you have ever wondered what sting's wife bare bottom looks like, then you will see it in all its pale moon glory! i laughed, i cried,(not really i cheered for the snake!)and for the first time , i honestly believe that i could have mane a better movie than Italian director mario orsini. for one thing there would have been more shots of her fine hiney, and less of the geek in the car watching the game unfold with a voyeur's delight.
blautens You know how some movies are so bad, they're good? My wife and I laughed out loud more watching this than we do watching some comedies. DVR this...watching it double speed is fine - just slow down for the ridiculous rare dialog.The film appears to be entirely an Italian production. I kept guessing that the only way this was made was that it was written, directed, and starring Trudy Styler, and produced by keep her busy. But nope, unless Sting paid off a bunch of Italian people, it looks like someone actually read this and thought "hey, this worth making". I can only guess that substantial drug use let this little turd get green lighted. Or Sting paid them off. But that's it - the only 2 plausible explanations.
Scarecrow-88 A narcissistic intellectual video game designer doesn't appreciate the fact that his "weakling" ex-girlfriend has moved on with her life, trying to earn a living from her putty sculptures(?!)enjoying the fruits of her labor in a posh vast loft, blessed with limited windows, highly secure. Gene(Gregg Henry)decides to put an end to this by "inheriting" a deadly venomous black mamba, required by a snake handler(Bill Moseley, in one his many grubby roles..the actor has a whole trunk load of these parasites he can pluck for use)he dupes and murders. Gene's plan at eliminating an "ungrateful" inferior girlfriend is to seal Eva's(Trudie Styler, and hour or so of running time spent with her is enough for any wary viewer to endure)home, locking her inside with the Mamba snake, with a special tracking device on both of them, watching their "progress" from his car. Gene injects more hormones in the snake supposedly giving it a limited life expectancy providing the Mamba with "extra motivation" for attacking anyone in it's proximity..Gene even has a timer set on his computer as to when the snake would die if it couldn't release it's venom in time. So the main meat of the film is Eva by herself practicing meditation and yoga, talking and joking to herself, making funny expressions to herself in the mirror, and generally goofing off until she realizes the snake is in there with her..and the fact that her loft is locked tight with no exit it seems. The film often cuts to Gene in his vehicle, "sweating" it out as the counter clicks away and Eva often evades the deadly fangs of the Mamba.I would recommend seeing this film for those interested in Gregg Henry. The DVD release of "Just Before Dawn", and films like "Slither", "Payback" and "Body Double" feature his talents. But, I think his work here is exceptional. I think the point-of-view shots of the snake slithering around in the loft are quite reminiscent to those snake-cameras used by thieves attempting to find passages through difficult security systems in hi-tech actioners. The director often uses this device probably because it's a lot easier, and a bit more realistic. On paper, this film could be a winner. It probably is if you find Trudie Styler interesting or entertaining, because, in just my opinion, the film hangs on her likability..she is in the film the most and it's her plight we must be concerned with. I found her pretty annoying so her plight didn't concern me, to be honest. I was more interested in Henry, because he created this air of pomposity and I've always been a fan of actors who could create a quiet menace, seething underneath this calm exterior. I like how the director often shoots him from below as if he were standing on a pedestal looking down on his prey. I say if you like Styler's performance and character, the film will work..if not, then you'll feel the same way I did. Really, the interesting premise on paper never quite materializes on screen although, as I've mentioned already, Henry's villain is quite memorable. To be honest, in a real movie, a character such as Styler's would've been mincemeat. The funniest scene would have to been when Eva stares down the mamba with a lit cigarette lighter.