The Guyver
The Guyver
PG-13 | 18 March 1991 (USA)
The Guyver Trailers

FBI agent Max Reed witnesses Dr. Tetsu Segawa - a researcher for the mysterious Chronos Corporation - being murdered. Dr. Segawa had stolen an alien device known as "The Guyver" from Chronos. College student Sean Barker, whose girlfriend's father was Dr. Segawa, finds the Guyver's hiding spot while watching the forensic team investigating the crime scene.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Leofwine_draca THE GUYVER is a little-remembered anime-influenced science fiction flick about an ordinary guy who becomes possessed with the power to transform into a crime-fighting mutant cyborg hero. He soon finds himself assailed by a gang of bizarre lizard men and discovers that a sinister engineering organisation is set to bring chaos to the world; it's his job to stop those involved. This film is a classic example of what a movie with great effects and no script looks like. Screaming Mad George, who co-directs, contributes all manner of amazing prosthetics and weird-looking creations, even a little stop motion at times. The imagination is all up on the screen in a physical format. The rest is a mish mash of nonsense and tired genre tropes, with mad scientist running amok and street gangs trying to act tough. It's a bit like the SUPER MARIO BROS. movie. The humour is very poor and the pacing seems off, inducing boredom at times. One good aspect - aside from the effects - is the presence of familiar actors in supporting roles, including tough guy Mark Hamill and mad scientist Jeffrey Combs.
leathaface Despite all the bad reviews I thought it was pretty good when you consider that it's an American comic book adaptation. The storyline was pretty straightforward, good guy accidentally finds some super weapon that the bad guy is trying to get his hands on. It turns out the villain has superhuman abilities and a small army of scientists with the same powers. There are tons of awesome transformation effects but the bad thing is we get to see a few frames of them briefly and many times none at all. In the last third of the movie a bunch of human villains transform in a laboratory, only it kind of shows them coming out of the dark in a deliberately fast pace. The creatures they turn into are really cool and complex looking, especially what Mark Hammill turns into. The main villain Balcus' true form is truly horrifying in the ending.
macrossman If you think this film was intended to be in the vain of its animated counterpart then you are clearly wrong as it's true formula can only be found in the filming conventions of most Japanese B movies, for example bad campy acting, simple narrative, bit of kung fu, bit of gore, bit of comedy, lots of dark lighting, rubber costumes coupled with funky man to mutant transformations. One might question the integrity of the acting or dialog but the fact is the cast were directed to cheese it up so as to fit into its genre and eastern heritage. The fighting scenes are a bit over the top but this is what Japanese B cult is all about. Dyn-o-mite!!!
ccthemovieman-1 The "bad news" outweighs the "good news" for this movie.BAD - The dialog in here is very stupid; the acting is poor (Jack Armstrong, Vivian Wu?); there is too much violence and simply a general Class B-type production feeling about this whole film, making it dumb overall. GOOD - It was very light on the profanity and sometimes had some pretty good special-effects with the humans turning into monsters.STRANGE - Added to the cast is television star Jimmie Walker, who played a goofy "Kid Dyn-O-Mite" character on TV, and Mark Hamill, from the hugely-successful Star Wars movie series. Wow, times must have gotten tough for those two actors to be in this movie!OVERALL - After watching this for an hour, it was hard to get interested enough to finish the film.