PG | 02 March 1984 (USA)
Sahara Trailers

After her father dies, young Dale takes his place in a trans-African auto race, but ends up being abducted by a desert sheik.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
jvdesuit1 How can a great actor like Lambert Wilson son of one of the greatest french actor accepts to participate in such a stupid and pathetic scenario and movie. Even the worst of spaghetti movies is better than this monstrosity. How did Ennio Morricone waste his time and talent to compose a score for that! Do those guys have bank accounts problems? Even my concierge would not watch such movie! There are limits not to be overshoot in the production of movies and this one has by far overtaken them showing the total lack of culture of Andrew V. McLaglen as far as knowledge of the Muslim culture, ways. It's a total lack of respect towards a great civilization whatever our feelings are for the extremists we see at work today who also betray their own civilization and faith.
ssims-775-418356 This movie is actually pretty good for what it is (a romance novel basically) and provides an enjoyable, light romance with plenty of over-the-top adventure.Shields is very charming in the role of a wealthy, American, 1920's socialite with a dare-devil attitude and absolutely no experience with "real life". The daughter of the Packard mogul before the car is an American standard, she enters a race across the Sahara desert in order to secure the company's future. Partway through the race, she winds up getting kidnapped by John Rhys-Davies and is dragged off to his tribe's camp in the desert. Lambert plays the sheik of the tribe (Davies is his uncle and second in command), and is about to go to war with a neighboring tribe when Shields is captured. Instantly smitten with Shields, Lambert tries to take her from Davies, who refuses to give her up. Lambert threatens to take her as a wife so that he alone can lay claim to her, and thus begins a chain of events which ties not only his fate, but the fate of his tribe, to her. Shields, who of course is angry at getting kidnapped in the first place, is not happy when she finds out what Lambert has planned for her. She gets herself, her friends and eventually the entire tribe into tons of trouble trying to get away. The movie features horses, scorpions, jungle cats (er yes, but they are fun to watch), battles, romance, betrayal, kidnap, rescue and of course, a cross-country race.I tend to prefer strong female roles, and this character was awfully naive, but I enjoyed watching it anyway. If anyone else had played the part, it might have been irritating, but Shields managed to be charming throughout and relatively believable for the breadth of the role. Lambert is quite handsome, and the close work and romantic lighting of his eyes is often mesmerizing. There are lots of silly moments, relatively good action (though, the falling rocks are a bit much) and really enjoyable music. Ignoring the picture quality and all the technical marvels we enjoy today, it's relatively well-shot and edited and easy to watch.A good movie for a rainy day.
dbellmyer This is a fun movie with a little bit of everything: romance, adventure, treachery, war, name it. Fate brings an American girl (Brooke Shields) named Dale to the Sahara Desert, hoping to win the famous Sahara off-road race in a custom built car that her recently deceased father designed and put together. A tribal war breaks out in the desert, wreaking havoc with her plans. She is kidnapped by Rasoul (John Rhys-Davies),a warlord for the Shombara tribe, and then claimed by the ruler of the Shombara tribe, a handsome young sheik named Jaffar (Lambert Wilson). Sparks fly between Dale and Jaffar from the moment they meet, but can they overcome all the obstacles? This film has beautiful desert scenery, the gorgeous Brooke Shields, exotically handsome Lambert Wilson, and some great character actors like John Rhys-Davies, John Mills, and Horst Buchholz. Some of the action and adventure scenes are pretty exciting, especially when Jaffar has to rescue Dale from a pit full of leopards. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie; it's great fun!
misoni I`ve never seen as many bad actors in a single movie, it seems that they have bought their acting diplomas - if they have one!Not even Brooke's beauty makes this movie tolerable. Unless you are a big fan of her, don't waste your precious time watching it.