Belle du Seigneur
Belle du Seigneur
| 29 November 2012 (USA)
Belle du Seigneur Trailers

English-language adaptation of Albert Cohen's epic Swiss tale of a tortured love affair between a high-ranking Jewish official and the Protestant wife of one of his employees.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
CoronalPanic There's no point to this movie.Terribly thin plot, with barely anything remembering. I don't want to spoil anything, but what is there to spoil? Watch the trailer. That's the film.The characters have something closer to a backstory than a story arc. The events are closer to anecdotes than plot points.Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays another version of Henry Tudor. Vodianova plays a pretty girl. They have an affair. That's the film right there.Not a spoiler: either the affair ends or the film ends before it does. There's only two possible outcomes. One of these two is the ending. Probably.There you go. That's about it.
Alessandra C. Bond Anyone writing a bad review for this movie is either fenced in by there own misconceptions of the intricacies of human behavior, only reach as far as their own eyes will take them and do not have the ability to understand the story behind the actual novel itself which is complex, intense and utterly revealing of twisted emotions that day to day minds wouldn't stretch to, or would blindly chose to avoid thinking about.This film got 100% less acknowledgment than it deserved, perhaps because people are more interested in shallow, fast-paced movies that keep them occupied for a couple of hours without having to delve into anything with depth because it uses too much brainpower and 'scares' them.Look beyond what you know, expand your mind, thats what a film is meant to do.
Irishchatter Jeez this film has a lot of shocking surprises!I mean we see a guy fallen in love with a french girl. She then gets a divorce. The guy she loves suddenly becomes a manic and demands her to stay with him in which she does. Like this film was meant to set as a real romance story not a BBDSM or a rape story!I found this film to be very quite scary and disturbing like I felt uneasy as I went through it. What kind of film is this?? Its appalling!!!!!
carolyn-154-968386 An arrogant, overly dramatic young man who we are perhaps supposed to admire because he reacts to moral outrages in a way that would be expected of the morally honourable, forms a sexual relationship with the exceedingly beautiful wife of an underling in the same organisation. She, for reasons that are never clear, but may be attributed to the fact she looks about 18, instantly falls for this unknown man who makes it clear he (1)is supposedly madly in love with a person he has never actually spoken to and (2) intends to have sex with her in spite of the fact she is married. Her idiot of a husband disappears early on in the story, and they have a up and down relationship in which our hero repeatedly expresses his insecurity about our heroine's love for him by suggesting she would not love him if he wasn't a handsome young man. He has sex with another woman, but that us fine because it doesn't mean anything. She lies about having sex with another man and our hero acts like a jealous, abusive idiot. Stopped watching at about this point, two-thirds of the way through. All in all a daft story about a silly young woman and an obsessive idiot.
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