Made for Each Other
Made for Each Other
| 25 April 2009 (USA)
Made for Each Other Trailers

After three months in a sexless marriage, a man cheats on his wife and tries to justify his actions by tricking her into infidelity.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Duncan Jack Look, if you don't get the jokes then you don't have a sense of humor! Every scene has a joke and it's a laugh out loud comedy throughout. The acting isn't great but it's deliberate and adds immensely to the humor so if your all big on the acting quality then just loosen up for this film.Why this wasn't a box office hit and didn't make a killing in sales I will never know. If this film had had a larger budget it would have been seen by many as one of the comedies of the past 10 years. In short, if you want a laugh then watch this, it never gets old no matter how many times you watch it.
jbudai I muddled through only because I wanted to see the local scenery on celluloid. It was cool to see Bridgeport's Playhouse on the Green, The People's Bank building, Ralph and Rich's, Hi-Ho, Beardsley Park, etc, but the acting and writing were atrocious. When are anal sex jokes and the 'f' word (used to describe gay men) funny? Why did the Mastersons make this film? Surely the script wasn't better before they began filming! Perhaps they owed some people some big favours.And I still haven't forgiven the production crew for making me think we had a toy store coming to Bridgeport (before I realized it was part of a movie set).
TheseusKhan I wasn't expecting much seeing the IMDb rating for this title, after watching it I'm learning more and more not to trust the ratings. The film is really dam funny. The outlook preserves it to be a chick flick but id put this more towards a bro's film if anything. The humour is guy only mostly and goes pretty far. Good old Frainces (MOTM) plays the lead really well and i was pleased to see him in a better roll=). The film goes on a steady beat of good jokes and comedic ac scenes and the directors successfully made it easier to concentrate on the context going on imbertween.The film was a though a enjoyment to me and id recommend it to anyone else within its age rating.
omg_my_wrists I have no idea how this movie has a good rating. Everything required from a comedy to be good is non existent in this movie. The jokes are bad, the story is bad, the acting is bad and its completely unoriginal.Usually when watching comedies I don't particularly care for originality as long as the film is funny but this film is not. The way each scene connects and pieces together makes the story and script feel like it was written by someone who failed at primary school English and then dropped out.If you have a slight bit of intelligence you will find this movie extremely boring to watch. Each scene is more boring than the last and although you may chuckle at the lowest possible decibel at one point in the movie, that is about as good as it gets.Save yourself the time and boredom. Do not watch this movie