Magic Kid II
Magic Kid II
PG | 07 December 1994 (USA)
Magic Kid II Trailers

Kevin Ryan is Hollywood's leading teen heartthrob. He's the star of "Ninja Boy," a hot Martial Arts TV series. The trouble starts when Kevin decides he wants to leave the hit show, so that he can go to high school and lead a normal teenager's life. However, he is the Studio's biggest money maker and the unscrupulous executives are NOT going to let him leave. Their sinister plans involve a desirable young starlet, a muscle-bound mountain man, and an army of inept thugs trying to kill Kevin's loveable, but mixed-up manager, Uncle Bob.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
The_Phantom_Projectionist MAGIC KID was a flawed but decent freshman vehicle for karate kid Ted Jan Roberts, but its sequel here is merely flawed. Losing the original film's strengths in the process of multiplying its weaknesses, MAGIC KID 2 sees its lone bright star - Roberts - slowly eclipsed by more buffoonery than even a PG-rated picture should have to put up with. The martial arts are still better than typical kiddie fare, but not enough to put up with the rest of the feature.The story: Having become a movie star, young Kevin (Roberts) is unhappily stuck in a job that stifles his integrity leaves him little time to be a regular kid. When his pleas for a more relaxed schedule fail to sway his domineering agent (Hugo Napier) and his intimidated uncle (Stephan Furst), he will need to take matters into his own hands.What hurts the movie more than anything for a viewer older than seven is that with very few exceptions, the story is populated by ridiculously goofy characters. The obsessive agent who thinks the best way to deal with a runaway star is to have his henchman (Donald Gibb) beat up the uncle is one matter, but it's the same uncle who takes the level of buffoonery into orbit. Stephan Furst's role is even more overblown than in the first picture, and his performance is one of painful abandon as he engages in arguments with his pet bulldog and completely overexerts himself while pantomiming martial arts moves. Occasionally, there's a genuinely funny gag, but this coincides with some sexual humor that parents probably won't appreciate in a PG flick.Ted does his best in being the only sensible individual amidst all the adult goofballs, but even his acting suffers a bit of a low when he has to play a teen romance scene with a young Dana Barron. His impressive karate moves make a statement of their own and peak early in a stick fight with Richard Rabago, but the majority of the brawls are intentionally hokey setups being shot for a fictional movie. A funny but unexciting chase scene yields an impressive chicken truck crash, and later three sports cars explode for the sake of quota, but that's about it as far as the action goes.Oddly absent from the sequel are both Shonda Whipple as Kevin's sister and Don Wilson as Kevin's idol. While I don't miss Kevin's incessant hero worship, the movie would have benefited from Wilson's presence, and Shonda's absence may make this one less appealing to young girls. Then again, the film's audience probably isn't going to compose of much these days other than nostalgic fans. Know yourself before purchasing.
bkoganbing Magic Kid II is the further adventures of the karate champion from Michigan who is now a movie star. Retained from the original cast of the first Magic Kid film are Ted Jan Roberts as the ninja boy and Stephen Furst as his nice, but weak agent/uncle.If you didn't see the first film young Mr. Roberts helped his uncle out of some sticky situations with gamblers and in the process got himself discovered as a new action hero star with his uncle as his agent.But now he wants a normal life, Ninja Boy as Roberts's character is known as would like to go to school. In fact he needs to go to school as studio tutor Dana Barron says because he's woefully behind in his subjects. But slave driving producer Hugo Napier will do about anything to keep him working continuously.Magic Kid II is actually better than the original mainly because the annoying character of the old sister of Roberts is dropped. Roberts was an appealing juvenile and Stephen Furst is funny in a bumbling Lou Costello sort of way. Note that David Morse, Howie Mandel, and William Daniels, Furst's co-stars from St. Elsewhere are in this as a favor to their colleague as his poker playing cronies. Ain't gambling how Furst's problems started.Recommended for the younger juvenile crowd.
Sean Richard McCarthy Kevin is a Karate movie star, but he desires an education as well. His uncle is his agent & wants what's best for Kevin, but is a coward, when it comes to standing up against the director! What I like the most about this movie, is his visit to his teacher's house, where his teacher's daughter is excited to meet Kevin "Ninja Boy". It is life like and original! Nice music score, comical, and sometimes violent (in a funny way). Most should enjoy, except those that desire nudity (sorry none here). Notice: This is a rare movie, in that it is a sequel to another movie "Magic Kid", but is better than the original! In fact I disliked the original so much, I have no desire to comment on it!