My Best Friend's Girl
My Best Friend's Girl
R | 19 September 2008 (USA)
My Best Friend's Girl Trailers

When Dustin's girlfriend, Alexis, breaks up with him, he employs his best buddy, Tank, to take her out on the worst rebound date imaginable in the hopes that it will send her running back into his arms. But when Tank begins to really fall for Alexis, he finds himself in an impossible position.

Micitype Pretty Good
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Raul Faust Hollywood has always enjoyed (and gained) producing movies involving sleazebags and the problems women face with them, and that can be related to this film's storyline. Jason Biggs plays an ingenuous guy-- tell me something new in here-- whose girlfriend doesn't care about him, since he is too nice to provoke her some attraction. As you can imagine, this guy, Dustin, has a best friend who is the biggest jerk of America, and as predictable as it could be, this guy begins dating Dustin's girlfriend, Alexis. Things get a little more complicated than that, especially when the writers make Alexis an unscrupulous girl, whose attraction to jerks is simply out of control. Dustin's best friend does a lot of bad things for her, and it takes time to make her see that. In fact, there are some funny scenes in which the new couple get in big fights, but end up kissing each other-- which remembers English's black humor productions we've seen here and there. A funny scene that came in my mind was when Alexis and Tank were meeting for the first time, and she seemed to be the exact opposite of what you may expect for a girl. She drinks a lot, she doesn't mind going on a date in a strip club, which impresses even Tank. It's great to notice how real this plot feels-- despite some few scenes--, in a way that everybody that think of someone who likes jerks instead of nice guys, and maybe that's what makes this film so ironically hilarious. Also, it's great to see Kate Hudson and Dane Cook stealing the show with such GREAT performances. Teenage and young adult audience are more likely to enjoy this production... Or maybe even older people are going to like it, considering the subject is quite universal. I'd recommend it to my friends, anyways.
qormi This film is insulting to anyone's intelligence. Its gross, crass humor was not funny because it was completely unbelievable. Here are but a few examples. -I don't know whether or not the Jewish guys that run Hollywood have a secret hatred against Christians that comes out in their movies, but it's one explanation for the Jesus-bashing that is recurrent in many comedies. If they had done the same to Allah, they would no doubt put their lives in jeopardy. At one point, Tank and a girl go to a pizzeria called "Cheezus Crust". A huge mural of he Last Supper is on the wall, with Jesus and the Apostles eating pizza. The pizza is served in the shape of a large cross, covered with toppings. Tank has a card where he gets a discount for the times he's eaten at this establishment. The card depicts ten images of Jesus's palm and each visit earns a hole punch in the palm, like a nail in the palm when crucified - get it? -Kate Hudson's character is a complete tramp. Why Biggs' character is in love with a girl who constantly has sex with a human sex toy is not believable. Alec Baldwin plays Tank's dad, a college professor who teaches a women's studies class. Naturally, all the college girls swoon over Baldwin's character and vie for the opportunity to have sex with him. I can see this happening in 1990, when Baldwin was a stud. Back then, girls would no doubt line up around the block to be with him. But look at Baldwin circa 2008. His puffy, squinty-eyed face ad flabby physique resembles absolutely nothing of the young Baldwin. This 50-something guy would repulse any college coed.Then, there's the scene where Tank misbehaves himself at a wedding reception. People tolerate his presence as he does at least ten things that would have (a) gotten him immediately ejected (b) caused him to be severely beaten, or (c) had him arrested. He takes the bride and groom figures off the top of the wedding cake and uses them as a spoon to scrape chunk after chunk of cake and slurp it down. He describes the act of backdoor sex to a table of nine-year-old boys. He tells a filthy joke to a priest and a rabbi. He walks up to the bride and groom as they dance solo on the dance floor, tries to cut in, and vomits four times. Everybody just lets him. He sits down and tells a 50 year old woman that she must have been a great slice of **** pie in her day. Then, he stands up, drops his pants and underwear; exposing himself, and demands oral sex from her.This movie could have been funny. Biggs is a funny guy, famous for gross-out movies that are actually funny. This one, however, isn't.
Floated2 I normally dislike Dane Cook's acting and portrayal of characters in his films but this film was different. His character was pretty funny and this role seemed perfect for him to play. He actually had some good jokes in this, specifically the montage of flashbacks shown with him at the wedding. Unlike Employee of the Month, he was able to be more crude and himself and it turned out to be quite funny. The movie wasn't all that great but it was somewhat surprising and entertaining for the most part. Specifically the beginning and last 40 minutes. It sort of drags in the middle (when Alec Baldwin's obnoxious character is brought in). The film was also not that predictable at the ending and I feel the ending was pretty good, it didn't seem rushed and it can be considered expecting.Though there are many jokes that fall flat in the film and some that don't make much sense. The plot was rather simple but it was interesting. It is somewhat the opposite of "Hitch", and the plot at the beginning felt a little weird and stupid how his friend (Jason Biggs) would trust Dane Cook (Tank) with his girl (Kate Hudson), but in all it wasn't that far-fetched and unrealistic. The film has some raunchy type humour but it works kinda well in this, like some funny one-line jokes and inside jokes included phrases on Tank's shirt. The film isn't for everyone and its clear. Dane Cook made this film turn out to be better than it probably should have been, he stole the show. Hilarious performance.
porkepik A comedy worth watching for the raunchiness of the dialogues, nothing else.The plot is thin as paper and full of clichés: playboy (cook) gets on a date with a woman (hudson) that he would never have considered as a potential date, but was forced to do it as a favor. Then he falls in love, she does too. Towards the end, she learns his true motives and gets mad. He makes up for it and they become a true couple. What a emotional ride; lol! On the sides, Lizzy Caplan and Biggs play the usual loser/best friend/sidekicks .Anyway the constant swearing and raunchy jokes are the interesting stuff. Dane Cook "thrives" in this environment and managed to get a lot of laugh from the audience. Alec Baldwin as his dad is absolutely EPIC and delivers even more shocking lines than Cook. Lizzy Caplan, has also a few good lines that she delivers with ease./rant Biggs is as transparent and annoying, as always... Oh Hollywood has been amazingly good for the unappealing/loser/nerd type in this beginning of the 21st century (Biggs was the start): Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jesse Eisenberg. Hopefully the trend will move towards people whose "beauty" won't make you cringe every time they appear in full hi-definition. You'd think that in the world of Cinema they would care about such a thing as being photogenic (or camera-genic) /rant