Griffin & Phoenix
Griffin & Phoenix
PG-13 | 12 September 2006 (USA)
Griffin & Phoenix Trailers

A terminally ill man falls in love with a woman who has a secret that threatens their time spent together.

Alicia I love this movie so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
JamieWJackson I enjoyed this movie a lot. I don't have much to add about the movie itself which other reviewers haven't covered already; I'm doing a review only because of the polarity of the existing reviews. Most are 8-10 stars; a few are 1 star. Nothing much in between. Well...There are a few points where we can criticize the plot or the editing for not showing this or that. OK. If that bothers you then you should ding it a point or two for those failures. However, it's absurd to rate this a 1/10 for that. The reviews saying this is the worst rom-com ever, etc., are nonsense. The characters, however incomplete their depiction might be within what is in this film, are warm and sympathetic -- and flawed. Yes, they are imperfect people, and some of their own choices have created some of their problems. Perhaps the movie should have spent more time pointing that out and making it a more central element of the storytelling? You think that would make it a good film, from 1 star to... what? Mulroney and Peet give excellent performances here and they have good on-screen chemistry. The things which are shown tell a story, and it's a story worth seeing. It's not the whole story of either of their lives, but hello, this is one movie. Get real.I don't think "Griffin and Phoenix" quite rates the 10 that many are giving it, because it does have a few flaws, but IMO those flaws are secondary to the high quality of what is shown and of what we feel with these two suffering lovers. There is a lot of success here. Don't let the boo-birds distract you from the treasure.I'll close by saying that I've been a fan of Amanda Peet for a long time, and she's as good here as in anything I've seen from her. Those beautiful eyes of hers are so expressive; she doesn't have to work too hard to hook me in, but it's nice when she does anyway. :-)
alemieux954 I saw this movie at the sundance film festival in 2006. What struck me throughout the film was that neither of the two lead characters ever showed any visual signs of sickness. My question is, how can two people have terminal cancer and their deaths are days away and yet at no time in the film did they look sick. There was no paleness, jaundice or anything of the sort. At no times did we see any weakness, or nausea or any kind of physical pain associated with cancer. How could this be? At many times in the film the two characters are actually shown running and showing no signs of tiredness. Even at the end of the movie when Amanda Peats character is on the verge of death, she sneaks out of the hosptal with Griffin and again is seen climbing mountainess terrain, until the last couple of steps when Griffin carrts her in his arms. Wasn't he supposed to have cancer too. Come on give me a break? Throw some realism into the movie and it may have been descent.
sigge-lindhe A man and a woman meet each other, the man pursues and the woman is at first uninterested. After some time it is discovered that the man has a disease that he is reluctant to tell about. Apart from the tragically predictable story, the horrible acting (I mean the scene where he wants to play basketball with his sons, yuck), the clichéd comical reliefs (angry black guy in cinema or gossipy assistant), the romcom standard music (perky piano and strings), the obvious begging for emotions, this film was true garbage. If you are a woman in desperate need of a chic-flic and know that you don't have any standards whatsoever when it comes to movie quality, give it a shot. Otherwise stay clear.
gradyharp GRIFFIN & PHOENIX is a quiet little made for television film that touches the vulnerable heart. Originally written in 1976 as a television film by John Hill, this thirty-years-later version holds up well, and the fact that audiences will still opt for sensitive stories that treat difficult topics in a mature manner, adding warmly humorous touches to a potentially maudlin idea, speaks well for our continuing tastes.From the opening frames of the film we learn that Griffin (Dermot Mulroney) has inoperable cancer: his frank and compassionate physician (Lois Smith) aligns him with reality. Griffin is a divorced father of two boys and his first attempt to find meaning in his limited time is to spend time with them, an attempt partially thwarted by his ex-wife. Once a workaholic, Griffin attends a class on death and dying at the university and there he meets the rather strange and isolated Phoenix (Amanda Peet). Griffin's new take on life encourages him to go after the seemingly impenetrable Phoenix and through a series of wildly frivolous escapades he courts her and they gradually fall in love - something neither felt they could do. They cope with issues of intimacy and finally Phoenix shares her secret with Griffin, a secret that plunges them headlong into a fully blossomed romance. How the two cope with the inevitable is well handled, rarely bordering on sappy, and always holding our compassion.Director Ed Stone paces the film well, inserting moments of extended silence to match the emotional atmosphere, allowing breathing space. Both Peet and Mulroney create believable three-dimensional characters and are well supported by such solid actors as Lois Smith, Sarah Paulson, and Novella Nelson. The story may have sad aspects, but the cast always allows the humor inherent in any life event to come through. And that is one of the several reasons the film works well. Grady Harp