Nights in Rodanthe
Nights in Rodanthe
PG-13 | 26 September 2008 (USA)
Nights in Rodanthe Trailers

Adrienne is trying to decide whether to stay in her unhappy marriage or not, and her life changes when Paul, a doctor who is travelling to reconcile with his estranged son, checks into an inn where she is staying.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
SnoopyStyle Adrienne Willis (Diane Lane) is a struggling mother of two. Her husband Jack (Christopher Meloni) wants to come home after 7 months separation with the wife's friend came to an end. Her daughter Amanda (Mae Whitman) is angry at her. She helps her friend Jean (Viola Davis) to watch her inn in Rodanthe on the outer banks of North Carolina. It is off season, and there is only one guest Dr. Paul Flanner (Richard Gere). He is deeply trouble and is there for a mysterious reason.This is a melodrama with two beautiful middle aged leads. There are no surprises. His problem is slowly revealed. Once it's all out, this runs like straight line. It's not a spoiler to say that they get together. There are no twists in the relationship.I like the marriage problem in Adrienne's life. I especially like the daughter's anger. It's enough for a good family drama. I would like to have a more simplified story. Dr. Flanner's problem is also compelling but that may be too much. There is too much melodrama going on.
sideshowbob210 Warning, spoilers ahead.I love, love, loved richard gere and diane lane in unfaithful. However their destined love was not believable in this movie. The whole film played out like the director was following the procedural chick flick film. Insert betrayal here, opportunity here, actors show me chemistry! Their was no real holding back of their sudden unexpected relationship/consummation. There wasn't really any chemistry. When Lane descends into catatonia over Gere's death, I could not believe that a man who spent one weekend with her and the most endearing thing he said on screen was "who takes care of you?" could elicit such devastating grief. Trust me, in real life, this would have been a "wham, bam, thank you Richard" weekend scenario. Not a "I'll pine after you forever" one. And anyone who watches romantic films has to admit the horses arriving to the amazement of diane lane in the end is so trite, so overused in all romantic films. Insert some courageous, or unbelievable scenario. Through the power of love you have made me believe! God, I sound jaded.
Howlin Wolf "Nights in Rodanthe" pretty much sticks faithfully to the outlined pattern in all of Nicholas Sparks' material... Every work of his to have been adapted for the screen so far seems to involve at least one character central to the plot who is dead, dying, deteriorating or in peril of death... It seems like a cheap way of inducing emotion to attempt to make the audience (I hate to be sexist, but let's face it, mostly women... ) cry buckets in some kind of communal catharsis until he's pumped out some more characters who will slot into the same formula...The crime of it here is that both Gere and Lane actually managed to rise above the predictability of the genre and make these people interesting characters, but it's a wasted effort, because the author is only interested in having them be ciphers to provoke universal drama... Touching on death as a subject is okay, but consistently resorting to killing or wrecking your principal players as a climax is uninspired, in the extreme.If you're looking for a weepy to bring tears on cue, without making you feel like you've been on a journey that has an ounce of flexibility to it, this is the one - but shouldn't art have a kind of vitality to it; an internal emotion driving things that doesn't feel like a mere process? I despair at 'Pavlov's Dog Syndrome'... That is for things without nuance, and I happen to be someone who believes that movies shouldn't belong in that category anymore... Have we come no further since the inception of the medium?
rbrb For most of this film the 2 leads are full of self pity for themselves. He is a surgeon with issues, one involving a operation which went wrong and another concerning his estranged son; she, a mother of 2 possibly problem kids in a marriage on the rocks. Then again, they both appear to be healthy rich individuals, so why so much depression?! Why do we have to sit through what is basically a couple of not particularly likable characters meeting and "falling in love", when both of them have so much emotional and other baggage,it would fill up a large left luggage office several times over! Within the entanglement of this tale there is a decent moral lesson,and for that I can give it above the minimum vote. However that morality tale is more or less lost in the soap opera misery of the self indulgence of this manic depression of a movie:3/10