The Hunting Party
The Hunting Party
R | 03 September 2007 (USA)
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A young journalist, an experienced cameraman and a discredited reporter find their bold plan to capture Bosnia's top war criminal quickly spiraling out of control when a UN representative mistakes them for a CIA hit squad.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
dromasca War is no party. Not even a hunting one. Neither are consequences of war, or trying to make justice and catch war criminals. The Hunting Party written and directed by Richard Shephard whose Matador I have seen a few weeks ago (and liked much more) is good action entertainment, but if you know nothing about the Balkans and the Balkan wars and you rely on this movie in order to get an idea about the tragedies and atrocities that happened 20 years ago in that part of Europe, you can get a distorted image about the region and the history.Simon Hunt (Richard Gere) is a TV reporter who was once famous. While covering the war in Bosnia he had a nervous breakdown during a live coverage of the war atrocities, which cost him his job. A few years later he will be back in the country apparently healing from the wounds of war, trying together with his ex-cameraman (Terrence Howard) and the young apprentice in journalism (Jessee Eisenberg) who happens to be the son of one of the VPs of the TV network they used to work for, to find one of the most famous war criminals who escapes international justice, UN forces and all the spying agencies. No need to say, they will succeed in a few days where all the big fellows failed for years.Judged only as an action movie The Hunting Party is not a bad movie at all. Richard Shephard has a sure hand, and Richard Gere is more than credible in the role of the journalist whose life is turned upside down by war and becomes a war criminals hunter. He actually is the only character that has a motivation to do it in the script, why the other two get attracted into the mortal game is a mystery. There is a big problem with describing such a complex conflict as the Balkan wars through the simplistic simplistic perspective of an action movie, not only because the script takes parts on national lines, but also because many better films have already been made by Serbian, Croat, Bosnian directors about this complex conflict. Films with real dramas, true humans, good guys and villains, not vaudeville ones. In a tentative to distance the story from the action B-movies the heroes see on TV screens on a couple of instances Chuck Norris jumping out of the water to kill the bad guys in one of the flicks of the genre. Unfortunately, this is not enough. The Hunting Party is just by a bit better than the Chuck Norris movies.
paul-deley Without getting into plot-revealing details, this movie plays to clichés and stereotypes for about an hour and then truly falls apart. For the first 80 minutes or so the script is more or less based on events written up by journalist Scott Anderson for the October 2000 issue of Esquire, and then in the end it falls off the cliff towards a wholly imaginary, unconvincing and throughly uninspired all's-well-that-ends-well conclusion. The first part is relatively watchable but meddles too much with the number, motives and characters of the protagonists to ring true. It fails from the very beginning to convey why war journalists would choose to pursue such a dangerous profession, what kinds of personal relationships they might develop with Bosnian and Serbian locals, how they would respond when coming across dead bodies of unknown victims or people known to them, or how they would act when faced immediately after with the perpetrators of ethnic cleansing. Instead, we are supposed to think that war journalism is mostly about thrill-seeking and being recognized "in the whole world" as "the best" at your game, or that courage and resolve in the face of life-threatening danger can only come from a desire to avenge personal loss of the most hackneyed kind. These same journalists are apparently incapable of discretion but instead have loud and revealing conversations in places where they could easily be overheard, while the incredibly terrible leader of the evildoers is surrounded by psychopathic henchmen, yet easily caught off guard and chased around the landscape by unarmed pursuers (who seem to somehow know the local forest a lot better than he does). The concluding part of the story does not even try to come up with any detailed plot or dialog, but relies instead on voice-overs, fast-forwards and wholly trivial lines lacking any genuine punch. The one aspect that struck me as well done is the documentary-like cinematography and imagery, with rich colors and relatively gritty contrast.
mmajstor If you wonn'a see American one side story of good and bad guys which does not have any similarity with the real story and what happened in Bosnia - this is movie for u. Shame for the Richard Gere. Pathetic scenario. Bad acting. It is difficult to find adequate words to describe it, but comment demands minimum ten lines to be published, so I will try to find pick some words with the biggest possible effort.For me, one of the most prejudiced, unethical, tendentious movies ever - which makes it a bad comedy instead of war thriller...... 1 is to big grade for it. But don't miss it, if you want to know what didn't happened there, and want to have a big laugh how Americans are good guys you will find some material here.
kiramorena I gave this movie 1/10, even though it's not that bad at all, and I know it. First of all, I want you to know something, before you think I'm just being unreal. I was too young to be emotionally involved with this war, while it lasted. Second, my grandmother was Croatian, my grandfather was Slovak and my father's parents are Serbian/Slovak, so I consider myself an 'ethnical chaos' and thus have no nationalistic views. That war was just wrong, and innocent men, women and children (on BOTH sides) died for someone's 'higher interests'. There is no truth. There ARE many, covered with blood, and they all deserve to be heard. Instead, I'm watching the same ol' scenario over the years - the 'all American' scenario. So, here comes the brave and daring Richard Gere, with the famous American justice seeking thirst (ha!) in his guts and Chuck Norris as his idol. He is on his way to get his revenge (and, just for the sake of it, his career back) over a war criminal responsible for massacre over an entire Muslim village (and not just one), and Gere's sweetheart who was (oh, boy, was this unexpected...) pregnant with his child. Even if this movie brings up a good point, it is well known a long time ago. Even if it was made for good causes, they are pushed aside by the anger that every Balkan inhabitant feels when he sees a trailer about an upcoming blockbuster with the one and only (american) peacemakers. I am so sick of it! And I'm sure many decent Americans are sick of it as well!Of course, no one forced me to watch it, my bad... I can promise you one - it won't happen again.
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