Fat Slags
Fat Slags
| 15 October 2004 (USA)
Fat Slags Trailers

Leaving their hometown of Fulchester in the North of England, Sandra and Tracey head for the bright lights of London, shagging and boozing their way to fame and fortune.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
zif ofoz Fiona Allen, Sophie Thompson make it work! This is just a silly sassy slapstick scatological comedy and it does just that! Fat Slags off-color humor is delightful, the girls Sandra & Tracy are a hoot to watch and follow through their 'Londun' found fame. The two guys that play the boyfriends are a riot to listen too.Dirty nasty and self indulgence - with stupid funny comic like characters - I ask you, "What's not to like?" It has the lower end of "Ab Fab" all over it and "Ab Fab" was an international hit.So 'good' for Ed Bye. I enjoyed these crazy fat b*tch*s and I'm sorry it took me 11 years to find it. UGH!
Phil Carmody (FatPhil) I have a nasty feeling that most of the people who've given this 1 did actually laugh at at least one thing, but then noticed that they'd done so, and felt shame at laughing at something so low-brow.Now consider the priest who wishes to stamp out the evils of homosexuality, the politician who wishes to keep it, or make it, illegal. You know the ones, the ones found with rent-boys a few years later. They notice something inside themselves that they felt shame about, and they wish to crush it. (Book of Mormon reference - see it.)Stop over-compensating. Just be honest to yourselves. It was trashy low-brow, camply over-acted in places, toilet-to-gutter-level, immature comic-book humour. Yes, and it was kinda funny. They captured the absurd irreverence of the Viz cartoon rather well.If you watched this not expecting potty humour - *you* are stupid, not the film.Likewise, if you gave it 10, consider those who remark that everything even vaguely camp is fabulous! No it's not. Stop over-compensating. Be honest to yourselves. It was trashy low-brow, camply over-acted in places, toilet-to-gutter-level, immature comic-book humour. Yes, and it was kinda funny.OK, I know I've just insulted 80% of the people who've voted on this film (that is the case, I don't deny it), and apparently also insulted everyone else from priests to homosexuals (which is not the case - I just needed a metaphor), but I've long thought that when averages on IMDb are evaluated, all 1s and 10s should be silently ignored. The U-shaped "bell curve" of this film reinforces that opinion.I was expecting a 3, maybe 4 if it was Viz-like enough, which it was (sorry Viz, I'm still a fan of the original). But I laughed more than expected, hence the score. The stupidity of it worked for me. I was entertained. As was my girlfriend (though perhaps not quite as much, but we are from slightly different cultural backgrounds).Loved the supporting roles - all of them hit the nail square on. Dolph - there's no shame, no need to drown your agent - you were grand. Punt and Dennis - classic. Les Dennis - even you should get a pat on the back!
Anders Twetman I normally enjoy British comedy more than the American counterpart because the jokes tend to be a bit more subtle, a bit more ironic an less slapstick-y. That is not the case with this movie, subtlety has been thrown out completely, and the "jokes" are more or less shoved in your face. This is exceedingly annoying considering that most of the jokes are based around the main characters being fat, uneducated slobs, its not only childish but unfunny and downright offensive. I wish movie makers could learn that fat people and fart jokes are not funny.The worst thing about the movie though, is not the jokes, or for that matter the inane plot or over the top acting, it is the main characters themselves. These two women are so utterly vile and disgusting (both looks wise and behavior wise) that you end up rooting for, alternatively pitying, the supposed bad guys.
drharper Eeeeee.... ah started readin' t'Viz when ya could onnly get't at't Kard Bar...... which is the one outlet in Newcastle that sold the thing way before its glory days (also now long gone). But on that basis, I feel entitled to say that this is actually a very funny film. It has an incredible cast, looked the part- OK, they departed from the usual locations of Mr. Vitoni's and the Dog & Hammer, but for me it worked (except for the fact that Dolph Lundgren got away with his shorts still on, of course). Geri Haliwell was actually rather excellent, and Anthony Head was superb ("...and Ethiopa has a space programme..."). The number of genuinely funny moments was enough to sustain a pleasant game of "spot the cameo"). Overall, vastly better than the animated version, and a thoroughly enjoyable bit of light entertainment. After all, anything that combines a dig at the Turner Prize with an informed critique of the doner kebab can't be all bad. Give it a try- you might just agree that it is extremely funny.