Last Passenger
Last Passenger
R | 18 October 2013 (USA)
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Independent British thriller starring Dougray Scott and Kara Tointon. Lewis (Scott), an overworked doctor, is on his way home from London with his young son Max (Joshua Kaynama). Clearly exhausted from his work, Lewis decides to take a nap on the train while an attractive young woman (Tointon) watches over his son. When he wakes, all but a few passengers have alighted and he realises that the train is not stopping to let anyone else off. Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, Lewis goes to investigate and finds that the train has been taken over by an unstable driver who is hellbent on destroying the vehicle along with all the remaining passengers on board.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
paulclaassen The characters were very sweet and likable. The film was suspenseful and mysterious, and slowly but surely built to an exciting action climax. The film is essentially about a man on a suicide mission and the people along the way for the ride, although not by choice. We never really see the suicidal driver or learn anything about him, but the film really is more about the victims and how they react and act in desperate times. Dougray Scott made a credible hero. The film features some really great visual effects.I really enjoyed this.
Claudio Carvalho The widow Dr. Lewis Shaler (Dougray Scott) and his son Max (Joshua Kaynama) are traveling late night by train to London. Lewis will leave Max with his grandparents to attend victims of a great accident at the hospital where he works. When Max accidentally spills coffee on the coat of the promoter Sarah Barwell (Kara Tointon), Lewis is embarrassed and offers to pay for the cleaning of her coat. Soon they start a conversation and feel attracted for each other. When the train stops, Lewis sees a man on the track apparently fixing the brakes. When the trains moves, he sees another man crawling on the tracks. Lewis seeks out the train guard (Samuel Geker-Kawle) and finds that he is missing. Further, the train does not stop at the stations. He tries to contact the driver that asks how many passengers are still on board and nothing else. Lewis contacts the passengers Jan Klimowski (Iddo Goldberg), Peter Carmichael (David Schofield) and Elaine Middleton (Lindsay Duncan) and they team-up expecting to stop the train. Soon they conclude that the train has no brake and the driver is a suicidal. What will happen to them?"Last Passenger" is a tense and effective low budget thriller. The story takes place in a train along 97 minutes running time and is never boring. The chemistry between Dougray Scott and the gorgeous Kara Tointon is amazing and their romance is pleasant to see. The conclusion is a little confused but this film is surprisingly good. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "O Último Passageiro" ("The Last Passenger")
marclandsberg Dougray Scott is a fantastic actor and I always look out for him in films (check out new town killers in which he is mesmeric). So this film stayed above average - just - due to his presence. aside from that it is an average thriller, not edge of your seat stuff (train or otherwise) but definitely worth a view if there's nothing else doing. i think it is unfair to mark this down anymore and anyone who totally disses this film does not realise how many truly poor movies there are out there and this is definitely not one of them. Think "Speed" without the gorgeousness of keanu or sandra nor the mental insanity of denis hopper at his best. So if you can get over that, you should be fairly entertained. The direction and pacing is good, the characterisation is also above average.
Dark Jedi This is certainly not a great movie but it is definitely a decent ride nonetheless. It appears that some people dislike it and gives it one star reviews because it is not the "right" model of train and so on which is a bit unfair to say the least. Someone said that it was boring. Well if your idea of good movies are some Hollywood concoction where a decent script and decent acting is replaced with ridiculous special effects every five minutes then I guess you might feel that way.Personally I would say that this is a decent movie. Not great but decent. It is a low budget one so do not expect great special effects. This movie focuses more on the small group of rather different people trapped on the train and their behaviors and interactions. Regardless of what some people seem to think I think their performance was quite good. The weird business guy could be quite annoying at times though. In what is more typical for British movies than for American ones the suspense builds up rather slowly but I find it well done. I have to admit that this movie was one I just found in the program tableau and picked since there was not much else to watch that night and I did not really expect to be glued to the screen by it. It served its purpose quite well though and it was a good movie for a quiet evening in front of the TV.The thing that irked me the most of this movie was the shoddy ending. I have two gripes with the ending. One, which rather pis..d me off, is that first the lead character cannot jump less than a meter since he hurt his leg but a few minutes later he can make a running start and leap out of a train. That is just so shoddy script writing. The other thing is that even at the end we never get to know anything about the villain. No motive, no nothing. The movie blurb talks about "…a dark plan for everyone aboard". That to me implies a bit more than what we actually got in this movie.Anyway, a decent enough movie for a quiet movie evening.