| 12 July 2014 (USA)
Soulmate Trailers

A widow retreats to a remote cottage to recover from a suicide attempt, only to discover the place is haunted.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
victoria_khachan I'd like to talk about why the film was called "Soulmate".It's known that a soulmate is a person, chosen for you for life time by, you can call it destiny,and shares the same traits and heart desires.At the beginning of the film we acknowledge that Audry, the main character, lost her only love, her soulmate Justin. In the house that she rents lives a ghost, Douglas. Invisible to the rest of the world, but not to Audry. We see how Audrey encounters The Ghost..The revelation that she can actually see him is shocking to her. But she's not the only one who's shocked. Douglas is stunned too. He's never been "seen" by any person, live or dead. They develop a very touching relationship..Feeling comfortable around each other.. Douglas gaining his material form...The question starts brewing at the horizon: is it just a friendship or something more?....What does she feel towards Douglas? What does Douglas feel towards her? Are they soulmates or just two people in the same life situation? Are there more than one soulmate for life? The finale gives us a very clear answer: the energy that fed Douglas, kept him living is not the Love but a compassion for his poor unrested soul.. The apprehension of it unleashes the demon inside him, making him want to kill and hurt...Was it all in his nature or was it a sample of ghostly behavior? Or maybe they are not soulmates after all?..I'd like to acknowledge the deepest gratitude to the creator of this amazing film Axelle Carolyn and the wonderful and extremely talented cast: Anna Walton, Tom Wisdom, Tanya Myers, Nick Brimble. Thank you for such a staggering philosophical and live journey! You guys ROCK!
davidkhardman Axelle Carolyn's Soulmate is an atmospheric Gothic chiller that entertains but ultimately fails to deliver on its initial promise. The story begins with a very graphic suicide attempt by Audrey, a beautiful young musician who – we later learn – has survived a car crash in which her husband died. Audrey likewise survives the attempted suicide but, finding that friends and family cannot understand her feelings, she retreats to a remote country cottage in order to reassess her life.Upon arrival Audrey is greeted by the rather over-friendly owner, Theresa, who lives just down the road with her husband Dr Zellaby. When Audrey later reports strange noises coming from a locked upstairs room at night, Theresa and Dr Zellaby appear strangely reluctant to investigate. Eventually, the ghost of the cottage's previous owner, Douglas, manifests himself to Audrey. Over successive days, Douglas and Audrey get to know each other. As they become closer Douglas begins to take an increasingly physical form. So far, so The Ghost and Mrs Muir, but where is this relationship actually going to go? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is: into soap opera territory.There are no real scares in Soulmate, although writer-director Carolyn does a good job of creating a Gothic atmosphere in the first half. But for one thing, this seems like the kind of film that you would watch over the Christmas season, with a glass of whisky or mulled wine to hand. However, it is hard to imagine the TV programmers showing the ghastly suicide attempt that opens the film. In fact, I felt that this opening sat somewhat uneasily with the rather traditional fare that followed.The actors all turn in solid performances and Anna Walton is very watchable as the pale, introspective Audrey. However, someone should have pointed out to her that when you play the violin your fingers should actually move over the strings.
mario_c Expecting an atmospheric and moody ghost story, I watched this movie supposing it would be an average horror movie with lots of clichés in the ghost genre but at least entertaining. Well, it has nothing to do with what I was thinking about! It's creepy worse!! The suspense and the chills quickly were transformed into boredom but the really good stuff comes when a "beautiful" (I would say ridiculous, but OK…) story of friendship between AUNDREY (the main character) and DOUGLAS (her ghost friend!!!) arise. I mean, can you think of a more idiotic idea than a love triangle with a… ghost??! I can't!! The main idea of this movie is ridiculous by itself, but the way the plot develops turns it even worse: The lost love; the old romances; jealousy; the girl who is lost in her life and is helped by the ghost's friendship; the ghost that falls in love for the living girl and wants to be with her forever… Oh… my… God! What crap is that?? This plot is absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense!! Besides this "great" plot, this movie is terribly slow paced, with lots of boring scenes, and the acting is not convincing as well. A straight 1/10!
dave-2340 This is the sort of thing that used to be the staple Christmas Fayre on the TV . You can imagine this being shown as a Family Ghost story to scare the young children and to take their mind off Santa Claus . Its a low budget moody,atmospheric tale that I will guess will flop badly at the box office (assuming it even makes it that far) . However , its in the main a very enjoyable simple drama that doesn't require you to think too much . Anna Walton is excellent in the lead (though she needs to work at bit at miming how to play a violin) . There are a couple of loud bangs to make you jump...a little bit of tomato sauce...a bit of ghostly make up....but other than that there aren't too many really scary moments to have you gripping the seat .But to be fair it doesn't pretend to be that sort of film . Its apparently got a certificate of 15...heaven knows will love it !