Soaked in Bleach
Soaked in Bleach
| 09 June 2015 (USA)
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Twenty years ago, Kurt Cobain was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound to the head. The world was told it was a suicide, but evidence would lead many people to believe it might be otherwise. The film investigates the possibilities that exist that Kurt Cobain's death might not have been a suicide, that the Seattle Police Department rushed their verdict, and the global media perpetuated lies and misinformation fed to them by Courtney Love that created the belief in many that Cobain killed himself—but when revealed to be lies—lead many to now question what happened.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kimyager10 I admire this film. Kurt Cobain is my idol and I think he was murdered. This film contains many evidence about this investigation. It is like documentary and I never bored while I was watching. I think Tom Grant have done everything that he could. It is very special film and I advise this film to people who wonder Kurt Cobain's death. Rest In Peace Kurt Cobain. We miss you.
Julian West This isn't a movie, it's a crash course in manufacturing Fake News. This film offers no proof of anything -- it simply makes claims and then lets them hang there. If you want to believe that someone conspired to murder Kurt Cobain, this film is for you. If you care about evidence as opposed to innuendo, forget this.
Jason Pfaff A seamless documentary that really should have been a Oscar contender. The film clearly shows there is enough evidence to reopen the investigation into Cobain's death, and I'm betting there is more evidence that wasn't accounted for here. The fact is, over twenty years later, this is still a hot topic that doesn't seem to be going away any time soon, so why not reopen the damn case? I heard this film was one of the most obstructed in history- in other words, people we're trying really hard to prevent this film from being seen, that in itself is enough reason to watch it. Benjamin Statler surely has a bright future ahead in the world of filmmaking and I can't wait to see his next film.
leonblackwood Review: This is yet another documentary which proves that Kurt Cobains so-called suicide, wasn't as straight forward as it seemed. The difference with this documentary is that the investigator who was hired by Courtney Love is telling his story about the events that led to the finding of Kurt Cobains body in 1994. I must admit, after hearing all of the evidence from the hired PI, Tom Grant, it really does sound like he was murdered but it's been over 20 years since they found his body so I doubt that the case will see the light of day. The amount of heroin that was found in his body was shocking and the placing of the shotgun shell was extremely suspect. Also, Courtney Love's actions before his death was questionable and the fact that Kurt planned to divorce Courtney, gave her a motif but everyone believed her story, even though the PI had evidence about the suicide note being tampered with. The sad thing about the whole conspiracy is that 68 people have committed suicide to copy Kurt Cobains death so if all of the information isn't true, they would have died in vain. Anyway, this is a well put together documentary which will definitely have people questioning his death and I liked the fact the they used the real recordings of the conversations between the PI and Courtney Love. I just hope that they release all of the evidence, including the photographs and an examination of the death note, because they need to put all of these conspiracy theories to bed. Watchable!Round-Up: I must admit, I was a bit of a Nirvana fan after I heard there smash hit, Smells Like Teen Spirit, so Kurt Cobains death did hit me a bit. I wasn't into the whole Nirvana, grunge movement but I did enjoy there music and no one has been able to touch there sound since then. For a three piece band, they certainly made there presence known and I must be honest, I didn't know what Kurt Cobain was saying half of the time but I couldn't help making up my own words whilst singing along to there tunes. Anyway, if your not into there music, this documentary is still worth a watch because the whole case definitely isn't as straight forward as it seems.I recommend this movie to people who are into their documentary/crime/drama movies about the death of Kurt Cobain. 6/10
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