Two of a Kind
Two of a Kind
PG | 16 December 1983 (USA)
Two of a Kind Trailers

God has had just about enough of the human's attitude so he will destroy the planet very soon. It is up to a struggling inventor and a bank teller, both with very amateur criminal minds, to save the world.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
callanvass (Credit IMDb) God has had just about enough of the human's attitude so he will destroy the planet very soon. It is up to a struggling inventor and a bank teller, both with very amateur criminal minds, to save the world...I love John Travolta. He's one of the coolest actors ever to grace our screens. But he picked some crappy projects, after his breakout movie, Saturday Night Fever. I'll watch anything with Travolta in it, but this movie is so stupid, so pretentious, and ultimately, so boring, I couldn't take any more of it after the 50 minute mark. Travolta wears these cheesy sunglasses, and I have no idea as to what he was thinking when he agreed to this film. Not only is the plot inexplicably unbelievable, but stupid as well. You're telling me that God would get so incensed at the people on earth, he'd do the stuff he did in this movie? I guess they thought leaving the earth's fate two deplorable people was funny. Olivia Newton-John is gorgeous to look at, but this is a far cry from her classic turn in Grease. I also got annoyed at the "Rewind" stuff they did at events in the movie. I'm all for suspension of disbelief, but this was unbearably moronic. Watch Grease if you wanna see how good Travolta & Newton-John can be together. Stop reading this crappy review, and avoid this movieDUD
orangebaby336 This movie was really cute and romantic, but I didn't like how they made it that if the two characters didn't fall in love that it would be the end of the world, God would not leave that up to them. However, the angels getting them together was a good point, I liked that part. The romance in this movie is phenomenal. The sparks between Olivia Newton John and John Travolta are sensational, I like that combination. *Sighs* John Travolta. Plus they're both talented actors, but to my disappointment there was no hand jive in this movie (haha.), but there was this romantic dancing scene. The movie was very witty and beautiful. So it gets seven stars.
TOMASBBloodhound With a cast this good, it's natural to expect a lot more than this script could deliver. John and Olivia are reunited for the first time since Grease, and the results were a big letdown for a great many people.Our story centers around the fact that God, played by the voice of Gene Hackman, is fed up with humanity. He's so tired of all the crime and bad behavior on Earth that he plans on sending another huge flood to finish us all off. Four angels (who are perhaps the best part about the film) plead with God to give humanity one more chance. God agrees, but demands to see some kind of miracle within a week or so. Apparently it will only take a couple of mere mortals (Travolta and Newton-John) sacrificing something for each other to save all of man kind. Too bad both characters are self-centered and shady. Travolta is a struggling inventor(!) who owes a fortune to a violent loan shark. Newton-John is a struggling actress who also works at a bank that Travolta plans to rob for the money to pay off his debt. Olivia tricks him and takes the money for herself, setting up contrivance after contrivance for the remaining screen time. It looks like the world will come to an end since neither character trusts the other (why should they?) and the Devil is also on the scene to foul things up for them. I could go on and on about this plot, but you probably get the idea. This is pretty questionable material we're working with in terms of a screenplay.I liked Oliver Reed quite a bit as the Devil. If the Devil walked the streets of New York, I suppose that's how he'd look or act. I also enjoyed watching he and the Charles Durning's angelic character square off by moving time back and forth to suit their respective needs. The film gets a few laughs out of a restaurant scene where the two demolish the place before God appears to reign in Durning for "abusing his powers".The film is full of 80's clichés and scenes that only serve to date the material. There is little or no chemistry between the two leads, and that was the main reason behind this film's failure. Travolta's body is bound to be a plus for the ladies in the audience. He was still buff from his work in "Staying Alive". Olivia looked better in Xanadu with her longer hair, if I may be so bold. The film did virtually nil at the box office, and Travolta's career went south in a hurry shortly thereafter.I'll give it 4 stars mostly for the great cast. And any film with Scatman Crothers always gets a bonus star from the Hound. I loved that guy.5 of 10 stars total.
thespian01 This movie is a classic(well at least a cult classic!) You have Travolta and Olivia back together,a very cute premise,And a splash of drama mixed in with the comedy! The chemistry between John and Olivia is turned up another notch in this vehicle,and Olivia Swears!!! (that was the reason a lot of us went to see it again and again) and although not a musical,you have one of the greatest 80's power pop anthems,Twist of Fate!! This is the only Film Livvy did during her Hot Blooded Vamp days, So if you like you Diva from Down under with an Attitude, T.O.A.K. is the flick for you!!!