Office Killer
Office Killer
R | 03 December 1997 (USA)
Office Killer Trailers

When Dorine Douglas' job as proofreader for Constant Consumer magazine is turned into an at-home position during a downsizing, she doesn't know how to cope. But after accidentally killing one of her co-workers, she discovers that murder can quench the loneliness of her home life, as a macabre office place forms in her basement, populated by dead co-workers.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
hilaryglazer i think i can account for the discrepancy between my vote and the average vote posted on IMDb. see, this movie was directed by cindy sherman, and therefore is to be viewed as much as a work of art as just another film. this is the same woman who began the whole movement to undermine the historical accuracy with which he accepted photographic works. she showed thru her art not only that there is a shared collective consciousness that is highly malleable and that the photographer can make the viewer a part of the art. i realize that by casting molly ringwald a lot of people may have thought they were getting another, something bad, i don't know.
jotix100 Don't ever fool around with Dorine Douglas! She will make sure you will pay for whatever you do to her!"Office Killer" is a film, judging from most comments submitted to this forum, that deserved better. Cindy Sherman, the director, shows she can deliver a good movie. The film was written by Ms. Sherman and it appears Todd Haynes, a good director himself, helped with the dialog, although he is uncredited.We don't understand, at the beginning, what is Dorine's motivation for doing what she does, but the key to comprehending what's wrong with her is revealed in flashbacks that shows her as a teen ager when some traumatic events occurred involving her parents. Dorine has been dealt a bad blow from life and her reactions, although extreme, seem to be typical of someone that has been deeply scarred.The film works because of the wonderful Carol Kane who does some of the best work of her career. Ms. Kane transforms herself into this weird Dorine, who is the butt of all jokes at the magazine where she works. What triggers her spiral unraveling is the downsizing the company is going through that will render her a part timer, losing, no doubt, a good deal of her earnings.The supporting cast is up to task under Ms. Sherman's direction. Molly Ringwald, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Barbara Sukowa, Michael Imperioli, David Thornton and Alice Drummond, among others, respond well to the director's instructions.One wishes good luck to Ms. Sherman with future films because she is not afraid, to show it all for the viewer's enjoyment.
Mikew3001 Dorine is a real wallflower - a middle-aged, shy, ugly single woman living at home with her mum and working as an editor for a small newspaper, she's a real outsider. After she has killed a colleague by accident in a lonely late night shift, she hides his corpse in her cellar. This "accident" changes her mind, and she starts having fun killing her mobbing colleagues one by one and hiding them all in her dark cellar...Photographer Cindy Sherman's directional debut has a very nice plot idea, but that's all. The direction is too weak and boring, and the actors - Carol Kane as Dorine and Molly Ringwald, Jeanette Tripplehorn and stunning Barbara Sukowa as her colleagues can't bring their roles to life. The acting is often exaggerated, the dialogues are too ridiculous, Kane is screaming much too often, and Evan Lurie's pseudo avantgarde score sounds like a bland, cheap home keyboard recording. It would have been a nice try to produce this kind of home office version of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" in a real comedy or horror style, but his movie doesn't know where to go. Too pointless, too boring, and too much over the top unfortunately.
John Seal Cindy Sherman, one of the most talented photographers and modern artists on the contemporary scene, directed this incredibly bad and thoroughly predictable slasher flick. Quite what the point of this exercise was eludes me...perhaps to provide employment for Molly Ringwald? A dreadful waste of talent.