InAPPropriate Comedy
InAPPropriate Comedy
R | 22 March 2013 (USA)
InAPPropriate Comedy Trailers

A no-nonsense cop has a flair for fashion and a celebrity takes revenge on the paparazzi in a collection of comedic sketches.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
itsgregman This movie had potential but failed miserably in execution, mainly for poor writing. This movie seems to be intended as a modern imitation of a couple movies from the 70s, namely Prime Time which was good and The Groove Tube which wasn't, however this film is much worse.The filmmaker seems to have borrowed the format of the two films mentioned and updated the idea from TV to Apps (not very creative) and their use of "shock and offense" humor. The problem was only one segment was in any way humorous while the rest was simply painful to watch.I gave this a 2 out of 10 simply for the one segment which couldn't save this lemon of a movie but moved it up from a 1 out of 10 (awful).
Gino Cox "InAPPropriate Comedy" presents a series of skits that are related only in their efforts to test the boundaries. Some fall flat, while others are laugh-out-loud funny. The most successful are The Amazing Racist skits, starring Ari Shaffir who looks very much like the stereotypical intellectual Jewish liberal, but spouts xenophobic, anti-Semitic and racist ideas that seem entirely out of character. But he plays it completely seriously with apparent conviction and sincerity. His actions are outrageous, but his narrative is restrained. He doesn't spout a string of caustic slurs or vulgar characterizations, but implies bigotry in more subtle ways. Some may view the TAR sketches and feel offended because the protagonist is offending various groups. They may feel they should not be amused because such humor is inappropriate. However, Shaffir isn't advocating such bigotry. He is mocking it. He is not ridiculing religious and ethnic minorities, but the intolerant bigots who insult and stereotype them. Fifty-one years ago Lenny Bruce's arrest on obscenity charges became a cause célèbre for free speech. Today, everybody is afraid to say anything for fear of offending some group or another. Statements that wouldn't have raised an eyebrow ten years ago result in boycotts, cancellation of sponsorships, the forced disposition of a basketball franchise, the cancellation of television series and other sanctions that would never have been considered even a few years ago. Free speech is threatened by special interest groups intent on penalizing those who use it to express ideas that don't conform to their political agendas. We should applaud comedians and filmmakers who ridicule these free-speech revisionists and counterrevolutionaries. But "InAPPropriate Comedy" is unlikely to become a cause célèbre because it is uneven. Many of the skits fall flat. Others seem outdated. Making the skits iPad applications adds nothing. Some of the skits are simply underdeveloped. The parody of Marilyn Monroe's iconic scene from "The Seven Year Itch" might have been much funnier if they had waited to reveal the Vince Offer character until the end and given the gag about Lohan's media persona a 1-2-3 punch. But they introduced Offer first to use the application idea and then add a really hokey computer 3-D animation graphic. The Porno Review skits miss the mark because the reviewers are parodies of review teams like Siskel and Ebert and the films are parodies of porn movies. One or the other should have been played straight. Flirty Harry would have been funnier if they had kept Adrian Brody's character straight (in the sense of being a comedic straight man), rather than comical with the pink sweatpants. As George Carlin said, we can make a joke out of anything, it all depends on what you choose to exaggerate. IC is not a great film, but if we can get over ourselves and stop thinking that we can't laugh at some jokes because their subject matter is taboo, it offers some decent laughs.
joe I never have before now felt compelled to write a review of a film, but after witnessing the monstrosity I felt it necessary to share with the world the horrific viewing experience of this cinematographic wasteland that was inAPPropriate comedy. Racism and Homophobia, there you are. THE ENTIRE PLOT LINE reduced two three words; "In this comedy film, a computer tablet full of the world's most hilariously offensive apps breaks through the borders of political correctness, stirring up cultural anarchy." is the description to this loosely deemed 'film' "hilariously offensive" there is little to describe as hilarious, it is 83 minutes of mind numbing awkwardness as the self deprecating actors try to squeeze laugh out of their audience; but alas there is NOTHING to laugh at, Adrien Brody should retire from acting, the Pianist was one of the most beautiful stories ever told, brought to light by his fantastic acting ability. He is shooting himself in the metaphorical foot associating with this piece of garbage, he plays 'filthy harry' who's entire script is homoerotic innuendo. Which surprise surprise is as void of humor as is the rest of this poorly thought out trash, whatever agent got him this part should not only be fired but also be shot by firing squad for reading this script and thinking "yes the Oscar winning actor Adrien Brody should play this part, we can only hope he doesn't paper cut himself to an early grave shaking with laughter reading this ingeniously constructed piece of comedy artwork."Now I think it is well known that Rob Schneider's career has taken a turn for the worse but this is showbiz suicide, any future directors are going to witness his performance in this abysmal husk of a "comedy sketch film" and cripple him so he can never act again, he is a good actor and no matter how many peers disagree with me he has encapsulated some stirring characters that will live on throughout history as fantastic works of art. BUT FOR CRYING OUT LOAD how in Gods name did you think that this was going to do you any good, unless Rob is secretly a Racist Homophobe I cannot even comprehend why he would subject himself to this kind of work.I am appalled that this has been voted greater than 1 star as there are literally 0 things likable about this film, from the basic poorly scripted 3 sketches the director refuses to stop grinding into the mud or the plot consisting of a tablet that when clicked on not only with shoddy 2001 special effects but also with unrealistic user interface opens up the separate sketches, the giant finger which looms over the screen deciding the next form of emotional torture the viewing victim should experience loses it's gimmick and becomes a chubby organic death toll tapping to issue the sapping of life out of the audience.In conclusion, If you are emotionally unstable do not watch this. Suicidal thoughts are induced without.
theironlash I don't like Jackass but I love pranks (Jerkey Boys, Jim Florentine) and politically incorrect humor like South Park, Beavis & Butthead, Family Guy, and Robot Chicken. If you do not like that type of humor then this isn't the movie for you.There is no plot or storyline. This is just snippets of pranks & skits almost like In Living Color or Robot Chicken.The Amazing Racist gets 10 stars. Free boat trips?! HAHAHA Awesome!Blackass is about a 6. I like when they prank people & the rat was unbelievable, but the scene with them 'running' from cops was a waste.Flirty Harry is a 7/8. The dialogue full of innuendos is great but the 'commercials' and pink tights could've been taken out.Rob Schneider is a 10. "What medication are you taking?" LOLThe porn movies with Michelle Rodriguez get a 7. The Asian porn was funny & so was Bob in the back row, but those rapey birds(?) could've been done better.I'm missing stuff but if you like comedy that can be racist & offensive then this is the movie for you
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