Africa United
Africa United
PG-13 | 15 June 2011 (USA)
Africa United Trailers

The extraordinary story of three Rwandan children who attempt to realize the dream of their life: to attend the opening ceremony of the FIFA World Cup 2010 at Johannesburg.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Rich Wright Just because a film is set in Africa, with all African actors, does not free it from criticism when it is absolutely loaded with clichés.It's the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Five kids are on their way there, traveling 3000 miles from the middle of the continent. One has HIV, another is a former child soldier, another an underage prostitute... you get the picture. THEY REPRESENT DA STRUGGLES OF A NATION, MAN!! The footballer in this little quintet plans to participate in the opening ceremony, but his mother objects. She wants him to be a doctor. He disobeys, and in the middle of the group's little journey, throws his phone in the ocean during an argument with her. Later on, sickened by the horrors of war he's seen, the child soldier does the same with his gun. This stuff practically writes itself.There's one montage after another to pad out the miniscule 77 minute length, soundtracked by predictable African music, in which nothing relevant occurs. They have run-ins with a pimp, human traffickers, border soldiers and thieves. Of course, the scale of the threat from these has to be dramatically downgraded from real life, hence the 12 rating. A cute story the HIV boy tells along the is relayed to us in several sequences involving puppets, but these just feel like a waste of time. And if I tell you that the same sick kid is on death's door as they approach the stadium at the end of the movie, will he live long enough to see his soccer mad friend FULFILL DA DREAM? Do elephants... defecate in the jungle?If I sound heartless due to my dismissal of some serious issues, let me explain. If the characters in Africa United felt like living, breathing individuals, it might have connected on a number of levels. However, the truth is, they come across as one-dimensional walking Aesops. Each one represents a 'lesson', and outside of that 'lesson', THERE'S NOTHING THERE. The Sick Kid: Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life. The Footballer: Never Give Up On Your Dreams. The Child Soldier: War Is Bad. The Sick Kid's Little Sister: Education Is Good. The Sex Worker: Exploitation Of Girls Is Wrong.All very laudable notions, but how about some meat on them bones? Outside of their ONE trait, they are as bland as sago pudding. So watching them go through their contrived hi-jinx, and being bashed over the head repeatedly with 'the morals of the story' becomes a chore. And you probably have enough of them to do already. Why add to your heaving workload? Skip it. 4/10
lucie-alphonse Africa united is a truly awesome, wonderful, brilliant, smart and funny film! It's a family adventure movie, because it's great for all ages, full of authentic energy, life and colour from the start. The film is well worth watching, all spectators laugh during the screening. Although at the end we want to cry, we smile. It's an enthralling movie. The cast is good with fabulous young actors. It's always delightful to see a film with child actors. It isn't based on a true-to-life story but it's heart- breaking. In the script, the film director has raised serious problems in Africa, but with a humorous touch.In my view, Africa United is a brilliant movie, it remains a smart film for all ages. Well done on a small budget!!! I'm encouraging everyone to see this film.
lwjcds I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of 'Africa United'. Full of energy, humour, colour, passion - it kept me hooked from start to finish. I laughed many times, and ended with a slightly moist eye that I had to hastily conceal from my partner sitting next to me.The film received a 5-minute standing ovation at the end.I think first and foremost this is a family film. It's not a forensic study of Africa's social or political problems, nor is it a realistic portrayal of the everyday lives of ordinary Africans. Critics complaining about this seem to have missed the point.It's a road movie about the passion and courage of young people. It's magical, like a fairy story. The fact that it's set in Africa enriches this sense of magic - and offers interesting opportunities to explore difficult issues in the context of a family movie. But it's not a commentary on Africa - it's about a group of young people who do something extraordinary in an extraordinary place.The fact that it breaks film-making barriers in Africa (first feature to be filmed in Burundi etc), but keeps its focus firmly on drama and adventure rather than social commentary makes it a very unique 'African' film.I will certainly watch again because it made me laugh and cry. And surely that's enough for any film, irrespective of where it's set.
gabrielrhys Africa United is a joyful, winning film that manages to entertain (people were laughing and crying in the theatre) whilst raising serious issues with a light, humorous touch. It's weaknesses (a slight amateurish quality and hurried pace) are more than balanced by its strengths. It looks and sounds authentically African and what it lacks in sophistication it makes up for with wit, charm and emotion. The slight madcap style is enhanced by the story within the story and a terrific soundtrack. In the end it gives a voice to young, black Africans and shows us an Africa few will ever get to see. It's being called the Africa Slumdog; but whilst it may not have the slick bravura of that film, it has more heart, humour and maybe integrity.