Lucky Them
Lucky Them
R | 30 May 2014 (USA)
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More interested in partying and flirting with young musicians than work, veteran rock journalist Ellie Klug has one last chance to prove her value to her magazine’s editor: a no-stone-unturned search to discover what really happened to long lost rock god, Matt Smith, who also happens to be her ex-boyfriend. Teaming up with an eccentric amateur documentary filmmaker, Ellie hits the road in search of answers.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
MovieHoliks I just saw this off Showtime the other day. Aussie actress, Toni Collette, with her breakout performance in "Muriel's Wedding" twenty years ago, and since then amazing work in "The Sixth Sense", the show "United States of Tara", and more recently re-uniting with her "Muriel" director PJ Hogan for the film, "Mental", has evolved into one of the world's great actresses, and one of my personal favs. In "Lucky Them" she plays a rock journalist assigned with tracking down her ex-boyfriend/former rock star who has since become a recluse (I won't say who it turns out to be *possible SPOILER* but you may have seen him in a few things ;) ). Her old pal played by Thomas Haden Church is along for the ride. And for me, what made this road movie was the relationship/chemistry between Church and Collette. Ever since TV's "Wings", Church has impressed me in so many performances over the years- "Sideways", the original AMC movie "Broken Trail", and right around the time "Wings" was on the air, the Fox series "Ned and Stacey", which we got to see him portray the romantic leading man. Here, his quirky/off- beat character works in contrast to Collette. Well, anyhoo, I would definitely give a recommend for this one.......
lmiller4 The DVD was finally released so I had a chance to see the movie. I wanted to see it primarily because of the superb cast and I wasn't disappointed by a single one of them. But I do wonder how they got the 8 figure salary Johnny Depp to play a bit role. The story didn't move me partly because the characters weren't fleshed out. One sentence or two was all the viewer was given in the way of background. Tom Hayden's character for instance is wealthy but is he really the buffoon who would marry a hooker who is secretly married and blatantly seeking to make Hayden's character become more materialistic? Johnny Depp's character is described as a "shit." Why? We're never told. It's really a tribute to the cast that this movie exists and damn near works.
gradyharp Now and again, with patience, a little gem comes across the video on demand that somehow didn't make it in the theaters. This film was made in 2013 and seems to be headed for a re- release. Don't wait. See it now on video on demand courtesy of Amazon. It is a treat. Caroline Sherman has the original idea for the story and it was adapted foe the screen by Huck Botko and Emily Wachtel. Megan Griffiths directs with élan. Ellie Klug (the very fine Toni Collette) is a music critic for a failing rock magazine, SLAX' in Seattle headed by the pot-smoking Giles (Oliver Platt) in Seattle. She tends to write articles about not so talented music stars, such as street singer Lucas Stone (Ryan Eggold who is proving he can be more than a warped spy on TV's The Blacklist). They have casual sex but the rock around Ellie neck is an article she is forced to write about a famous rock star Matthew Smith who ha been missing since an apparent car wreck some years back, and who Ellie was in love with back in his heyday. She ultimately agrees to do a story (more like investigative journalism) mush at the insistence of her best friend, bar tender Dana (Nina Arianda). Lacking money to make a trip to Matthew Smith country, she borrows form Giles, is ripped off by Lucas, borrows from a very strange wealthy Charlie (Thomas Hayden Church) who wants to make a documentary on Ellie looking for Matthew Smith. How that all ends up is a study of the human psyches as attached to loves of the past and longings of the present but to tell more would be a spoiler. It should be added that Johnny Depp makes a very brief but central appearance….The cast is exemplary, especially Toni Collette who at last has a role that allows her to show just what a fine comedienne as well as serious actress she is. Tune in to the video on demand offer Amazon presents – no telling when they'll release a DVD of this treasureable film. Highly recommended.
mako flik Lucky Them is a film I cannot stop thinking about. You could say it is a cautionary tale of what not to do with your career and personal life once you hit 40. However, Ellie Klug's flawed character beautifully portrayed by Toni Collette shows the audience that no matter how much Ellie screws up, she still manages to attract a young, hot musician, Lucas Stone played by the yummy Ryan Eggold. Ellie will land on her feet once she lets her guard down among her most loyal friends. Her hard edges eventually soften with Charlie, a guy she dated a couple of times and co-pilot on her assignment to find Matthew Smith, an elusive Seattle Rock Star who disappeared 10 years ago. Thomas Haden Church's monotone funny character portrayal of Charlie is hilarious. You want more of his character in every frame. The writing is funny and brilliant in a way in which it compels you to love these soggy Seattleites. Especially some guy at the end of the film, whom we all would love to grab a latte and listen to the soundtrack of Lucky Them together. I love this movie and highly recommend seeing it – definitely worth the price of the ticket!
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