Catch and Release
Catch and Release
PG-13 | 20 October 2006 (USA)
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For a grieving fiancée, learning to love again requires the help of her late love's three best friends.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a woman whose fiance died before the wedding. She and the fiance's three best friends grief in different ways.It is a film that sits between a romantic comedy and a drama. It is likable, and the drama elements are not too depressing. The film actually keeps a light hearted atmosphere, despite the circumstances.
juneebuggy I've seen this a few times now and always really enjoy it. It's not anything special as far as romance movies go so I'm at a loss to explain why I like it so much but I would have to say its one of my favourites.It's one of those tragi-romances, along the lines of 'PS I Love You', surrounding the death of a partner, in this case Jennifer Garner's fiancé.The characters and all their sub stories is what really makes this movie. Amusing, entertaining and at times tragic while still making me smile. The supporting cast is excellent especially Kevin Smith and Juliette Lewis who steal many of the scenes.Jennifer Garner is charming and Timothy Olyphant is the sexy bad boy with a heart. Together the two of them have one of the hottest kissing scenes ever, one of those, starts out angry, no, yes, what are we doing, YES, pause, no, lingering look, I still hate you but now I also want you, kisses. Sexy.The story takes place in Boulder, Colorado -which I liked and follows a woman whose future husband is killed in an accident just days before the wedding. Garner as 'Grey' leans on their mutual friends during the grieving process and then struggles to sort though the surprising secrets she discovers about his past while also falling for his best friend. 5/3/15
SnoopyStyle This movie starts with the funeral of Gray (Jennifer Garner)'s fiancé Grady. His friend Fritz (Timothy Olyphant) has sex with a server. Dennis (Sam Jaeger) is insanely responsible and his other friend Sam (Kevin Smith) is having his own difficulties. But Fritz is hiding a secret. Grady has been sending $3000 a month to a woman (Juliette Lewis) in LA.For a movie starting from a funeral, this has a lot of light hearted humor. Most of that is due to Kevin Smith's work. Writer/director Susannah Grant has put on a complicated heart warming struggle. It's not an easy subject to go from a depressed angry place. Jennifer Garner makes those parts work. The movie struggles when it gets to more traditional rom-com space. Overall there are enough interesting moments and Kevin Smith cracking jokes to make this a good movie.
thenaomiest This movie is rubbish. My DVD player died close to the end and I couldn't care less. One presumes Gray ended up with that worthless morally defunked piece of crap. What on EARTH could have attracted her to him. Perhaps she thought he was pretty? Fine.But what about the fact that he knew her fiancé had fathered a child... he knew... never said anything and what - she's just fine with it? And she witnessed him having sex only a couple of feet away through a shower curtain at her fiancé's wake? Oh yeah - that makes me want a guy so bad.. hearing him getting it on with another chick.And this is a chick flick is it not? Where were the other chicks? She was entirely surrounded by dudes. The only chicks that materialised briefly, were her former-future-mother-in-law who was a cow and her fiancé's one night stand who was a piece of fluff.This film was just rubbish.I know this is a particularly scathing review - but WHEN WILL Hollywood START PORTRAYING WOMEN IN THE REAL WORLD! Geez!