Kickin' It Old Skool
Kickin' It Old Skool
PG-13 | 27 April 2007 (USA)
Kickin' It Old Skool Trailers

In 1986, a young breakdancer falls into a coma after hitting his head in a talent show. 20 years later, he awakens and attempts to revive his dance team's short-lived career in order to support his parents' failing yogurt shop.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Lucien Lessard As a young boy, Justin (Alexander Calvert) felt down hard on the floor trying to do some fancy break dancing for a talent show at school. Twenty years has passed, Justin (Jamie Kennedy) woke up from his coma. Although he still has the mind of a twelve year old trapped in a 32 year old body. He finds out that his parents (Christopher McDonald and Debra Jo Rapp) might lose their home, after trying to pay off Justin's medical bills. He decides to get back his old dance crew (Miguel A. Nunez, Jr., Bobby Lee and Avis Alvarado) to help him win back his parents house. Justin discovers that his long time crush (Maria Menounos) is marring the bully (Michael Rosenbaum), he truly hated. But Justn hasn't realized yet that music has changed and a whole new generation of fancy foot-steppers are far superior. Since he missed two decades, it is time to grow up... a little.Directed by Harv Glazer (Bitten) made an silly comedy that has some goofy laughs. Kennedy offers more charm that he did in "Malibu's Most Wanted". But the differences between the two, his early starring role had a much slicker look. It will certainly remind you of the film "Big" and other break dancing movies of the 1980's. The movie has a cool retro 80's soundtrack and some of the dance moves are good. "Kickin It Old Skool" is not a great comedy but it's not boring either and acting or the quality of the feature looks truly average. But it does offers some laughs and probably fans of Kennedy will enjoy this one best. Some amusing cameos as well. Super 35. (*** 1/2 out of *****).
Pumpkin_Man This is a really awesome movie! Jamie Kennedy is awesome and hilarious! In 1986, a 12-year-old named Justin Schumacher has a break dancing group called The Funky Fresh Boyz who try to win a competition. During their performance, Justin falls off stage and is put into a coma. 20 years later, right before his parents take him off life support, he wakes up. He tries to adapt to the new age. He finds all of his old friends, and his childhood crush, Jennifer, who is going to marry their childhood enemy, Kip. Kip hosts a dance contest that is shown live on TV. The winner gets $100,000. Justin wants to repay his parents, so he gets The Funky Fresh Boyz back together to win the money. Justin tries to get Jennifer to fall in love with him again. If you love comedy, and Jamie Kennedy, you'll love KICKIN' IT OLD SKOOL!!!
schmidteren I just saw this movie, and I regret it badly. I hoped for a good nice comedy, that would make me laugh, and give me a nice feeling after watching it. With this movie I didn't get that. MOST of the jokes was to lame for my taste, and not very fun. As the movie progressed my final grade became lower and lower, almost ended up at 1, which is the lowest grade. The only good thing about the movie was the Knight Rider scene, only because of that, and some SMALL laughs it get's 2 stars instead of 1. Also I wanna point out that the acting in this movie is not very good. Some scenes I find vulgar, and very disturbing. Not fun at all, you kinda wait now here comes the joke, and then there just comes nothing.If you think about watching this movie, my advice to you is don't watch it.2/10 stars
D-Sligar I wasn't expecting too much with this movie, but even at the beginning with the title scroll brought back some memories of being a kid in the 80's. I'm not sure which film the people who gave this film a 1-2 saw, but I was laughing throughout... perhaps they were really old people who fell asleep when the lights went out or were too busy babysitting their young 'uns to enjoy the movie. Sure, it had a bit of guy humor in it, but come on, Jamie Kennedy's in it... what did you expect??? OK, back to the movie... too funny, the dance scenes had some of the majors from the Red Bull Duel on the Floor competition, if you hadn't seen it you're in for some crazy moves! Just watching Jamie foolin around at the beginning was hilarious. Acting was pretty good for what Hollywood's been cranking out recently, music was tight and had a lot of old school beats in it, and it was stupid/crazy funny in many scenes.Bottom Line: If you grew up in the 80's, you'd be doing yourself an injustice by not seeing this movie; it's worth it for all the off-the-wall references you'll get and well worth the chuckle. If you liked Jamie's off-beat comedy "Malibu's Most Wanted," then you'll like this one even more. Finally, if you like to see crazy (and many silly or just plain stupid) moves on the dance floor, check it out. I'm gonna see it again a few times! Peace out, yo! ;)