Grease 2
Grease 2
PG | 11 June 1982 (USA)
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It's 1961, two years after the original Grease gang graduated, and there's a new crop of seniors and new members of the coolest cliques on campus, the Pink Ladies and T-Birds. Michael Carrington is the new kid in school - but he's been branded a brainiac. Can he fix up an old motorcycle, don a leather jacket, avoid a rumble with the leader of the T-Birds, and win the heart of Pink Lady Stephanie?

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
PodBill Just what I expected
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
lizzylane-85151 Being a huge fan of the original Grease film I have pushed myself a few times now to try and like Grease 2. It's only the last time I watched it again that I came to see it's actually completely different in genre and atmosphere to original Grease. While the original is a fun, young adult's musical, providing some historically accurate moderate sexual undertones, fantastic songs, iconic one-liners delivered by charismatic actors and characters, Grease 2 I think is attempting more a comedic vibe - not that it's my particular type of humour. The songs are just not that well written, the actors for the most part are not at all charismatic and most are quite weak. Something is very lacking, I still can't figure out just what, it's just missing alot... it just doesn't hold my interest, like... at all. I don't feel at all invested in the storyline, the characters or the songs. As I say, I tried.
kelly_starling As a 12 yr old girl who'd never seen Grease it was easy to fall in love with Michael Carrington and think Michelle Phiffer looked like an angel!! What's funny is I'm now a 47 yr old mother with 3 kids(22,19 & 16) who know Grease 2 line for line! It's hokey, kitschy and just the right amount of corny!
thesar-2 Amazing on how little the creators of Grease 2 noticed that their school year began in September 1961 and ended the following year in 1961. Lazy or rushed, you decide.Look, I'm going to make this a quickie, much like all the horny "kids" here wanted. I only watched this movie to listen to the great podcast: "How Did This Get Made?" on my drive to Vegas in a couple of days. They covered this, so to join in on their fun, I watched it. I both curse and will eventually praise them.Truthfully, I wasn't a fan of the first film. I saw it waaay after the release. 30 years, to be precise. I only know this, because after listening to the incredible soundtrack for decades, I saw the movie was coming back to theatres for a 30th year anniversary in 2008. So, I figured that would be the best way to see it first: on the big screen. And…it was a big letdown. Sure, the music was still incredible, but the production of the movie: eh. And now…that said, the first is a masterpiece in comparison to part 2.Random scenes, terrible music, an ultra-thin "plot," and mid-20 to 30- year-olds posing as high school students? Well, at least it made all the teachers and faculty lusting over students less creepy…I guess? Can't really give a synopsis since there didn't appear to be a script involved, but what it boiled down to: Foreign exchange student lusts over a forbidden "girl," and since she only likes bikers, he pretends to be one so he can Clark Kent/Superman her. (He even mentions that duality at one point.)Admittedly, I found the music catchy at points, though it still sucked and most of the cast was really trying, though horribly directed. So, I didn't overall hate this, but boy it felt like it was put together in hours. The entire film, I mean.This movie and many more pointless sequels are proof that not every great "classic" needs a follow-up and obvious cash-cows don't always need milking. Shame.***Final thoughts: So glad, despite this, Michelle Pfeiffer had a career. She wasn't terrible in her first lead role here, but, boy, was she badly directed. I almost felt sorry for her as she was just horribly led.
Leofwine_draca This musical follow-up to the smash hit GREASE is an example of how not to make a sequel. It seems like a slavish copy of the first film, complete with the falling in love romantic plotting at the heart of the storyline, the rival gangs, the high school mischief and the like. However, the iconic songs from the first film are gone, replaced by forgettable fluff pieces of music clearly written to recall former glory days. None of them has the same zing or vibrancy that made the ones in the first film such a hit.The acting just isn't of the same calibre either. As a British viewer, I found Maxwell Caulfield's performance wooden, and Michelle Pfeiffer's little better. In fact, Pfeiffer usually seems to disappoint, only seeming to snap out of average-ness on occasion, SCARFACE and STARDUST being two of the times she seems to be making an effort. While I appreciate the attention that has been made to period detail and enthusiasm, but GREASE 2 is a waste of everyone's time.
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