Jackie's Back!
Jackie's Back!
| 14 June 1999 (USA)
Jackie's Back! Trailers

A British documentarian profiles washed-up diva Jackie Washington as she prepares for her comeback concert.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Poseidon-3 Awareness of this made-for-cable mockumentary seems to be almost a little well-kept secret with only a select group of people knowing about it and enjoying its rewards. Lewis is front and center here as Jackie Washington, a fictional songstress who hit it big as a youth and then struggled to carve out a lasting career afterwards. Her big return to the concert stage prompts a British documentary host (Curry) to film an essay on her life and career, past and present, sprinkled with vignettes of her preparation for the comeback event as well as celebrity testimonials and interviews with her various friends and relatives (most notably Goldberg as her embittered sister.) Lewis has this character down pat and revels in displaying all the phoniness, contempt, desperation, haughtiness and glitz-laden flair that it calls for. Just the way she pronounces and intones her daughter's name Antandra is hilarious, but she's excellent throughout. The character includes various bits from all the big divas including Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Shirley Bassey and Patti LaBelle. Curry pretty much exists as a foil for her and doesn't get a great deal of his own amusing material. He rather overdoes his veddy British stuffiness at times and doesn't keep it consistent in any case. A more non-descript interviewer would likely have worked better. Other prominent performers are Pierce (in a parody of the Joan Crawford film "Torch Song") as a deaf piano accompanist, Devine as a child-burdened hometown pal of Lewis's and the aforementioned Goldberg as Lewis's sour, jealous and resentful sister. Additionally, the film is peppered with many cameo bits from a potpourri of major names in music and entertainment, some of them quite notable such as Parton, Minnelli and Midler. Others are quite surprising such as Saint, Pescow and Williams. In the tradition of the best films of the genre, there are plenty of faux record covers, recreated stage and film moments and a wide variety of settings, instances and populace to make the film move along and hold interest. There is an occasional dry spot along the way, but mostly it stays pretty amusing. The songs in the film are very lively, catchy and fun and the costumes and hairstyles are interesting. The feel-good ending may not ring 100% true, but at least ends the movie on an up-note.
Christopher I rented this movie with my best friend last year. We had no idea what to expect. This movie had us laughing so hard, we watched it three times in a row and then we had everyone we knew watching it.I'm excited to know its on DVD now and just ordered it. I don't know why everyones so harsh about the ending of the movie, I think its an alright ending.No matter what, this movie is awesome! Everyone should see this movie at least once. This movie should definitely become a cult classic. I cant wait to see this movie again, it has been quite a while. Anyone who hasn't seen this movie, you need to go out and rent it. Yield Yield Yield before you hit me with your love...LOL sorry I'm rambling, just have to have ten lines in at least to post a comment.
look_at_me_kimmie Jackie's Back should be remember for three things. 1/ Jenifer Lewis'scene stealing performances. She completely shines in this movie. 2/ The mockumentary style of the film. Think: Best in Show, A Mighty Wind. and 3/ The cameos. The cameos in this movie are of the best that i think i have seen. You've got Dolly Parton, Whoopi Goldberg, Liza Minnelli, Bette Midler, Chris Rock, Sean Hayes, Ricki Lake, Rosie O'Donnell, David Hyde Pierce, Melissa Etheridge to name a FEW!Jackie's back must not be taken too seriously or as a piece of cinematic history. It is not Oscar worthy script, but it's damn hilarious. Sit back, relax and watch the celebrities bag the s@$! out of Jackie Washington.
mjsmith With cameos by the hundreds, and going downhill in the last 20 minutes, this one beat the Ruttles mockumentary by the mile!