2 Minutes Later
2 Minutes Later
NR | 13 April 2007 (USA)
2 Minutes Later Trailers

When lesbian detective Abigail Marks teams up with gay guy Michael Dalmar to solve the disappearance of his twin, Kyle Dalmar, a famed portrait photographer, their investigation leads them into the Kyle's risque world. With Michael posing as Kyle, the pair uncover assistants who have designs on their bosses, clients who have an interest in detectives, and killers who want them stopped.

Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
lastliberal Naturally, as a straight man, I would be attracted to lipstick lesbians like Abigail (Jessica Graham), a PI hired to find the twin of Michael Delmar (Michael Molina).She was not only hot, and quick to console a pop star (Jennifer Layne Park) who just lost her boyfriend, but she really made an interesting PI. I could see this being turned into a series. Who wouldn't want to see her running in a tight dress and high heels shooting at bad guys.Of course, you would have to take out all the gratuitous nudity, but that wouldn't hurt anything as it added nothing to the story.Good film noir with gay and lesbian leads instead of the usual straight characters - and it was funny, too.
mjholt Silly and fun, yet a good way to spend an hour. I don't see why it got so many bad votes. I enjoyed it. This is a TV pilot, and as an indie production, it would be great. The lack of prime time crime story conventions makes it more compelling. Some of the scene cuts are rough, but that adds to the experience. The story line holds together, and the reason for the murder is revealed in a believable way that adds to the enjoyment. The private detective is great. She gets distracted by sex and finds more action by saying "I don't date." Our hero, looking for his brother does better than he should since he maintains that he is not in the life. This is so not slick and that makes it better.
maewestlover I really enjoyed this movie--it has a clever premise, lots of humor, good photography--I would--and have--recommend it for others to see--and I'm straight. This film works regardless of sexual orientation.The twist on having a hard boiled, tough, love 'em and leave 'em female detective was great. And I especially liked Monique, the would be rock sensation, played by Jennifer Layne Park. I hope we see more of her and her character in future films. And I certainly hope we see more of this detective pairing along with Monique in future films. This film suggests future projects for these three characters. Bravo, Gaston, for a film well done. Now please work quickly on the sequel (maybe involving Monique?)--we want more of this comedy trio.
Franco-LA This was an improvement over the director's first feature (Open Cam), but not by much. The acting was generally better, although still consistent with a very low budget, genuinely independent film. The main problem with this movie is, once again, a director with limited experience directing from his own script. The director is quoted in an interview as stating he wanted to make the film after taking Open Cam to festivals and watching lesbians going into one theater to see 'their' film and men going into separate theaters for the male films. However, simply writing a movie about a gay twin investigating his own brother's (a photographer) disappearance and adding a female detective who just happens to be lesbian and who just happens to be hired by the missing brother's agent to find him, isn't even a fortuitous coincidence, but merely the bald use of a bad and tired plot device. The movie feels like a made for (cable) television movie/pilot, down to the question mark with the title card for "the end." It probably is a concept that the director would have had better luck selling to someplace like Logo or Here!, but they would have been far better served to pick up any decent gay mystery novels, in particular Nathan Aldyne's Daniel Valentine mystery (Canary, Cobalt, Slate, or Vermilion) and adapting them.The nudity, of the models of the photographer, was wholly gratuitous and seemingly designed to cater to an audience that isn't aware that internet porn is just a click and credit card away -- or that hundreds of blog feature far more erotic or nude photography (with generally far more attractive models) with just a simple mouse click.The humor was of the very forced, "I learned everything I know from I Love Lucy episodes" down to having the dyke pull her pistol (with the limitless supply of bullets) out of her clutch while running in high heels after the murderer, who apparently has nothing better to do after committing several crimes than to simply wait and skulk around, hanging around for a chance to get at evidence that is never fully explained how the missing twin discovered he had taken in the first place. There are also just way to many loopholes in the story, like why the photographer didn't just get in his car instead of escaping on foot, why no one had recovered his body after that length of time, much less inquired about the car abandoned at the gas station, how the murderer was able to readily find him and shoot him the dark, without the advantage of a head start and on a moonless night no less! - and these are just some of the contradictions in the opening minutes!