Roving Mars
Roving Mars
PG | 27 January 2006 (USA)
Roving Mars Trailers

Join the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity for an awe-inspiring journey to the surface of the mysterious red planet.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Horst in Translation ( "Roving Mars" is a 40-minute documentary short film produced by Disney and written and directed by experienced documentary filmmaker George Butler ("Punping Iron"). The question how much you will enjoy this one here all comes down do how much you like science, astronomy and exploration films. I myself am not too big on all these subjects, so I did not enjoy it too much. I also believe that people have intruded enough in areas where they have no business being with, which is why I cannot share the scientists' joy in this film when they get the robot to Mars and receive a signal. The narrator here is Oscar winner Paul Newman in one of his final works as a (voice) actor. All in all, I give this one a negative verdict as I did never really feel entertained. But maybe you will if you are more into this kind of films.
disdressed12 this documentary about the mars Rovers mission to Mara is very interesting and well done.we learn just what it takes to build these machines and then how much is involved in making sure they are not going to malfunction while in space or once they are on the planet.the animation sequences are very well done.the only drawback for m,is that the film is too short,at just under 40 minutes.otherwise,this a really engaging thing that struck me though was that the scientists all believe there will be manned mission to Mars in the foreseeable future.i think that is being overly optimistic.anyway,for me Roving mars is an 8/10
jlee654321 Short documentary, and just good enough to keep the attention of young viewers... great action sequences and as mentioned, the animation from live footage is nearly indistinguishable... the NASA experience shared here both in actual footage and staff interviews makes for great enjoyment for any space buff... well worth seeing as an IMAX candidate! I suppose the only drawback is no green men or any Hollywood fantasies here, you have to actually use your mind to imagine the possibilities of what's out there, given the tidbits of evidence about water and rock material collected from the mission... should be enough for any mortal man, but don't go in expecting to see Tom Cruise battle any aliens. :)
Keri L Rogers I went to this at the IMAX today and I found my 30 minute drive well worth the trouble. Although a short documentary, it is an extremely informative one.Although there seems to be some license given to the sound of the film, it creates a stunning aura to the scenes both on Mars and in Space. The film is actually quite dramatic. Kids will find themselves staring saucer-eyed at the visuals as well as the soothing and informative narration given by an all too familiar voice that I cannot place.I recommend this film and give it a high rating due to the fact that it has accomplished something I value most in Documentories- Making Learning fun. Watching children and adults alike leave the theater chatting animatedly about the "possibilities of life" in the universe made me beam happily through the rest of the museum.