G | 06 March 1998 (USA)
Everest Trailers

An international team of climbers ascends Mt. Everest in the spring of 1996. The film depicts their lengthy preparations for the climb, their trek to the summit, and their successful return to Base Camp. It also shows many of the challenges the group faced, including avalanches, lack of oxygen, treacherous ice walls, and a deadly blizzard.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Micransix Crappy film
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
mwngai Within 46 minutes, the movie spent too much time on things that are not related to climbing: introduction of climbers, expression of their feelings. The coverage of climbing is not enough. Nothing exciting about.Go for "Surviving Everest" produced by National Geographic. It is far better than this movie.-- Dave
Big O-7 I had the opportunity to see this historic achievement in film while it was playing at a near-by IMAX screen. This film is as close as I EVER care to get to that mountain of death. The filmmakers have captured images that are unlike anything ever imagined before. And while most of the story is already well known (through best sellers THE CLIMB and INTO THIN AIR) the film still manages to keep you on the edge of your seat (and on the edge of a crevice). What else could one want? An IMAX movie on how this camera crew shot this film. Prepared to be astounded and blown away!
MartinB I saw this recently at the Space Museum in Hong Kong, and thought it was stunning. The photography was superb, making full use of the whole FOV image possible with IMAX equipment. The documentary was emotive and compelling and the scenes breathtaking. Those scared of heights should probably skip this one!!
daved-3 Everest is an amazingly pedestrian film, given the subject matter. What could have redeemed the film was good use of the IMAX process, but given that it was probably a miracle just to take the cameras along, it's not surprising that very little use is made of the unique qualities of IMAX. As for the story that's told: they go to the base of the mountain, they go up, they come down, they go home. If this was filmed on normal film, it would be boring, and nothing related to the IMAX process redeems it.