Mystery of the Nile
Mystery of the Nile
| 17 February 2005 (USA)
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Filmed in IMAX, a team of explorers led by Pasquale Scaturro and Gordon Brown face seemingly insurmountable challenges as they make their way along all 3,260 miles of the world's longest and deadliest river to become the first in history to complete a full descent of the Blue Nile from source to sea.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Peter Coghlan Excluding the brief self-promotion of dodgy 'actors', I loved this movie because of its cinematography, still photos and music. I agree that the "danger" posed did seem to be exaggerated. And that studio sequence of the guys in Lake Tana did take from the up- until-then live footage.The music is well-mixed, adding percussion to the best of indigenous voices and sounds (which can be sparse in those regions), giving the documentary an exciting tone.All in all, well worth getting out on DVD to hear the soundtrack, and see some of the still photos.
Michael_Elliott Mystery of the Nile (2005) *** (out of 4) Adventurer Pasquale Scaturro and kayaker Gordon Brown decided to go down the Nile River to its source in a journey that would end up lasting 114 days with over three-thousand miles being covered. The documentary shows us their journey down the river, which includes stops to see some of the people who live around the river. After viewing the film I started to read around and it seemed like there was quite a bit of anger thrown at this movie. I read that a lot of the footage was actually shot in a sound stage and I read that a few of the people in the film weren't who we're told they are but instead were just actors. I'm not sure what is true or false so I'm just going to judge the film itself and I must admit that for the most part I was entertained. I should add that I did find the narration to be rather bland and I'll admit that I really didn't care about what these people were doing or trying to do. I really didn't care about any of the mysteries that the Nile had to offer so why did I enjoy the film? Because the scenery was rather amazing. Going down the Nile gave us several great moments with some dealing with the wildlife and others dealing with the amazing body of water. There's some rather violent white water rafting and some great shots of the Nile crocodiles. It's scenes like these that make the film worth sitting through and at just 47-minutes the thing moves at a good pace.
sergepesic I was really looking forward to this movie.On paper it had absolutely everything I like. Exotic location, brave explorers, exciting and dangerous expedition...What's not to like? Well a lot actually... Movie is only 47 minutes long, but authors generously treated us to 10 minute long introduction to themselves. The rest of the movie was filled with stories of an immense danger they were in , even if camera and the helicopter were following them all the time. Self advertising was the main motive of this whole enterprise. So little about the Nile, so much about the crew.The only venue for this nonsense would be a private party and bragging to friends.
mailinator711 Embark on a daring adventure as explorers attempt the world's first full descent of the Nile-a 3,250-mile journey packed with challenges and discoveries.For centuries, navigating the Nile from beginning to end has remained one of the last great unfinished journeys of exploration. On April 28, 2004, renowned adventurer and geophysicist Pasquale Scaturro, together with filmmaker Gordon Brown, made history when they completed the first full descent of the Nile. In "Mystery of the Nile" showing on the giant screen of the Mugar Omni Theaer, audiences witness the expedition team's journey over 114 days, more than 3,000 miles by kayak and raft, facing nearly every imaginable danger, from deadly rapids and violent bandits to blinding sandstorms and tropical diseases.
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