Gog Trailers

A mechanical brain is programmed to sabotage the government's secret lab while working on the first space station.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mmcgee282 I Remember seeing the right eye print of Gog on t.c.m. years ago.It was rather slow moving.Today I finally got to see the film in it's restored 3D version on Blu-ray.It was ratio at 1.66:1 ratio.The story is very intellectual,so, there is strong character development and barley any actions.It came from out space had minimum of character development with action and was a faster pace.It doesn't make it bad film. If your like me and get cluster phobia ,the total focus in the film ,in the compound through out the whole picture might bring it out Wearing 3D glass it amplifies it more .Because your being drawn into that well insulated compound.The out door sequences you get the relief.The whole story takes place As Constance Dowling is showing Richard Egan the staff and the compound,when all this mysterious bad things are going on,since D.r.Hubertus and his assistant Helen was mysteriously murdered.There are two Robots in this compound Gog and Magog.They start causing problems. Why are they doing it ? Why are things going out of control?One one scene you see these two soldiers looking at a special telescope that looks like a natural vision cameras in disguise .The actress,Valeri Vernon ,who plays one of the wife of the doctors,weather hair platinum blond gray.Where they trying to make her look older .They did not put enough old make up to look real old,or was it's just a effect? This is a cold war film .We all know who the enemy was .It was implied, the communist spies from Russia .There is a 3D made interviews on the disc of the Restoration of this film ,where the head of the 3D archive discusses it.A 2003 video tape of Herbert L. Stock ,who had near flat eye problems .I'm wondering if he was aware of the cure for this problem that eye doctor offer ,even that time.There is also an interview with the cinema photographer Lothrop B. Worth, at the old folk home where he discuses his involvement in the development of Natural Vision 3D.Worth buy or Renting. 03/05/16
Robert J. Maxwell Richard Egan is a civilian scientist and security expert called in to investigate queer goings on at a military experimental station in the desert. The CO of the station is Herbert Marshall. The requisite scientific assistant is Constance Dowling.It's all very confusing at first. Two scientists freeze and unfreeze a monkey then are themselves frozen by a mysterious force that locks them in the chamber and manipulates the controls. The monkey had been already removed, so not to worry. He's okay.The first thing that comes to mind while watching this inexpensive SF flick, aside from "What the hell is going on?", is that the design of the station is very precisely laid out for us, so much so that it makes us wonder if Michael Crighton might have ripped it off for "The Andromeda Strain." There are two multi-armed robots (pronounced "ROW-butts") that grind around the room and do dated tricks like twisting knobs while the observers stand around and gawk at them. Their names are Gog and Magog, nebulous figures from the Old Testament. Each is more animated than one or two of the supporting cast.About half the movie is exposition that isn't blended too well into the narrative. "This is the monitoring chamber, where the molecules are broken down. Over here, for instance, isotopes." I suppose with all the borrowed electronic junk around -- the clicks, beeps, and blinking lights -- it might as well be shown on screen, though it may have nothing to do with the story.Man, do things go wrong. One device after another goes berserk. Death follows death. And long past the point at which the whole establishment should have been shut down and fumigated, Herbert Marshall is saying things like, "We'd better tighten security," and, "We'll work in pairs from now on." The villains of the piece are Gog and Magog, who are being ordered to do naughty things by a rocket ship overhead.I've always found Richard Egan to be a likable actor but not a magnetic one. Herbert Marshall does well enough by the role of leader, especially considering the booze he was pounding at the time. And nobody could deny that Constance Dowling is attractive in an idiosyncratic way and that, in her tight jump suit, she cuts a splendid figure for a scientist.
lemon_magic I actually found myself somewhat impressed by certain aspects of "Gog", notably the science based "mystery and suspense" scenario in a secret underground science base, which predated the "Andromeda Strain" by many years and the Cold War paranoia elements of the story, which contributed even more to the sense of menace. And a few of the performances were pretty good - Herbert Marshall turned in his usual classy, understated, yet humane performance, and the Cherman professor type kept the scenes he was in going with sheer personality. And the robots had a nice, innovative design and a couple of the techno-murders were nicely staged (the opening scene, where first one scientist is frozen to death in his own freezer, followed by his assistant, had a nice, mean ghoulishness to it). But the movie gets strangled by its overly talky 2nd act, where the director and screenwriter get way too wrapped up in their Hugo Gernsback style explication of all the cool technology in the base.And the last 10-15 minutes, which were supposed to be the action filled climax, collapse under poorly choreographed action, underdone special effects, the most improbable nuclear reactor design in the history of cinema, and a bunch of scenery chewing spear carriers. Also, all these brilliant scientists and designers seemed to have never considered the idea of "off switches" on their machines, or the idea of a firewall. Still, this movie is fun in spots, and worth seeing if you are a fan of the genre.
geg1043 Just picked it up on DVD. This is one of a very few movies that stuck with me from my childhood. Scared the crap out of me when I was 7 years old. Great flick...even now. Part of my childhood is remembered in black and white...from all those B grade science fiction and monster movies I saw on TV and in the theaters. Growing up in NYC, I would be able to catch some of them five to six times a week on Million Dollar Movie...every night at 8 PM and twice on Saturday afternoon. The movie title comes from the bible (Ezekiel 38) and has an end-of-the-world connotation. This flick is a must see for all of us who grew up in the 50'. The other movie that effected me was Spaceship XM-7 (Blood Rust). Gog was especially awesome for its interesting robots, Gog and Magog. They were short and rolled around on hidden wheel. Se this flick...it is a part of American history.