The Advocate
The Advocate
| 28 February 2013 (USA)
The Advocate Trailers

A grieving defense attorney gets caught in a twisted game of who-done-it when he takes on the case of a beautiful socialite who is accused of murder.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
abien_aime Okay granted, this movie will not win an academy award however, it is very entertaining!! Its a good watch on movie night at the crib. I am not sure why some people are saying is not a good movie but Don't LISTEN!!Check this one out for yourselves. The characters are polished and clear about their roles in this movie. The plot although done before doesn't bore you. You don't anticipate what's coming next. Also there is a surprise element to the way this attorney defends his clients whether they are innocent or not. So grab a friend or a date get your favorite snacks and dig in for this one. I promise you wont be disappointed!!
ctyler-854-411558 The Advocate is a terrific criminal mystery film produced on a limited budget and excels in both categories. This film was well paced, with continual twists and turns that keep you fully engaged. Sachin Meta agonizes throughout, yet at times is also cool and in charge and at other times determined and doomed in his search for Absolute Justice. Is Kristine Klebe a beautiful heroine or is she a murderer; her story plays with you, at times you are sympathetic and at other times you are suspicious or disbelieving. It is a fascinating journey. The Advocate was remarkably well produced given its limited budget; and hard to imagine how much more powerful it could have been as a full blown Hollywood-style production. I would see it again.
Lori Gilchrist I've loved this genre since I was a little kid and the Advocate doesn't disappoint. First we have the moody music, which was nuanced without being cheesy. The editing was sharp. Then we have the Los Angeles locations, which is great given that most films are done in Canada with generic city settings trying to pass themselves off as Los Angeles. I find these films don't get the spirit of a city. There's thought and logic in the dialogue. I've seen the film twice with different sets of friends. After the second viewing I picked up more of the subtleties, which made it even richer. Is it a big budget film no. Does the Advocate tell a good story yes. Is it worth seeing? Most definitely. In this genre it's important not to pander to the audience. Good films make us think and don't provide summary dialogue or laugh tracks running throughout the film. They take us into their world for a few hours. And I enjoyed my time here.
Rufus Firefly I saw this film at a Film Festival at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood.Originality is rare commodity in film these days. It seems like everything has already been done. But this film has some ORIGINAL twists & turns. It's not predictable. That's because of the writing.And the old-fashioned Court Room Drama is a lost art. It's nice to see a film without explosions from time to time.The acting is believable.This is a smart movie. It's well-crafted and definitely worth seeing.