Safe House
Safe House
| 01 July 1998 (USA)
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A psychological thriller; Mace Sowell, an ex-intelligence operative and whose past government activities catches up with him, faces his own mortality, in the shape of the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Holding the electronic key to secret information which implicates a Presidential front-runner, Mace struggles for his life while battling the debilitating effects of the disease.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
spradley-3 I didn't read the jacket description carefully enough and was surprised that the majority of this film was about the main character, Mace (Patrick Stewart) developing Alzheimer's. It started out predictably with Mace neurotically drilling on security protocols and attack situations. He's retired intelligence, after all. But then we learn that some of what he's afraid of is not enemies, but memory loss associated with the disease he hopes he doesn't have but finally accepts. His daughter hires a woman to look after him and we are immediately suspicious because she's smart, gorgeous - why does she want a job looking after an old man developing Alzheimer's? As the film progresses, I agree that Patrick Stewart does a very good job as someone who depended on their memory to stay alive and has put safeguards in place in case of ... well ... we know. Clues from the TV that is constantly on, keeps us thinking that there must be something to Mace's fears though I didn't think the film would end quite the way it did. It was good but I wouldn't call it an action movie (aka Die Hard) but rather a suspenseful psychological drama. It was not a very uplifting movie because even if our hero makes it out alive, we know his memory is not going to last. Movies about Alzheimer's are sad and this one is also.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews This is a film about paranoia. When you think you're being watched, your every move being documented, your every action recorded and analyzed. Mace Sowell, an ex-military officer from a covert operations team no one knows about, is confined to his home, because he fears for his life. His daughter doesn't think that he is in danger, instead, she just thinks he's getting senile, or maybe he's just paranoid. He regularly runs 'drills' in order to keep himself prepared for any direct strike on his house. Meanwhile, he also discovers that he's slowly developing Alzheimer's Disease, which only makes things worse. The plot is great, the idea is quite original, and the movie moves along at a great pace; every scene has some development in the plot, and often it also has some great humor. The film delivers a great sense of paranoia all the way through. The acting is great, both by Patrick Stewart and Kimberly Williams. The consistent paranoia, the various intense scenes that are easily explained once they're over, the overall mood of the film, it all leads up to an exciting climax that only few will be able to figure out until it happens. All in all, a great thriller about paranoia. I recommend this to fans of thrillers, especially fans that are fond of conspiracy theories and paranoia in thrillers. 8/10
moviemagic03 I have admired every role Patrick Stewart has accepted since first seeing him behind the wheel of the Enterprise. Until now. I somewhat find myself at a loss of words over this film. Suspenseful? Mystery? Humor? Well written? I must have seen a different Safe House starring Patrick Stewart than others have seen. I found myself cringing at so many lines of dialog in this film, my neck had a cramp the following morning. Mr. Stewart is a very talented actor so he must have had reasons other than the script to do this film. The failed attempts at pulling in shadows of other films fails miserably. The character development gets left behind somewhere. I felt like I suffered from Alzheimer's as I tried to remember the reasoning behind some of the characters actions in his film. This film seemed to drag on for an eternity. The forced attempt at romance between the Patrick Stewart character (Mace) and that of Kimberly Williams (Andi) was quite possibly the most painful movie watching experience of my life. If I ever suffer from Alzheimer's, I pray that the memory of seeing this film will be one of the first things to go. I enjoyed seeing Patrick Stewart outside of the Enterprise and Xmen roles but I cannot suggest this film to anyone other than as an example to film making students of what not to do in a movie.
kismit Stewart is either ex-secret service assassin or Don Quixote tilting with espionage windmill. In the first case he makes no reasonable excuse why he could not convince his family of his true occupation and in the second case the considerable humour potential was totally ignored. The villains are barely visible and the character connections lack interest. The Alzheimers backdrop gives the film what little dramatic punch there is and of course Stewart is a presence. I can't help but feel the screenplay was banged off in a weekend.